I am trying to conduct a Mann-Whitney equivalence test (as described in Wellek's book Testing Statistical Hypotheses of Equivalence and Noninferiority) with the following code in R:
[alpha- significance level;
m- size of Sample 1;
n- size of Sample 2;
eps1_- absolute value of the left-hand limit of the hypothetical equivalence range for
π_+ - 1/2;
eps2_- right-hand limit of the hypothetical equivalence range for π_+ - 1/2;
x- row vector with the m observations making up Sample1 as components;
y- row vector with the n observations making up Sample2 as components]
Where eps1
and eps2
represent the equivalence bounds I want to test for. The equivalence bounds need to be specified as the absolute value of the left-hand and right-hand limit of the hypothetical equivalence range for $\pi_{+} - 1/2$. However, I don't know how to determine this value.
In case I want to test for an equivalence bound corresponding to Cohen's $d=0.57$ (for two samples of $N = 25$; $\alpha = 0.5$) how do I compute eps1
and eps2