I'm trying to answer the question: if twins are raised in separate environments, what is the standard deviation in their heights? Just as some example data, let's say the As are twins, the Bs are twins and so on. Let's say A1 is 170 cm and A2 is 171 cm, B1 is 155 cm and B2 is 157 cm and so on.
I don't have access to any raw data about this.
However, the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart reports that in their sample of 56 sets of twins, the correlation coefficient $r$ between twins was 0.86 (in contrast, for their 274 twins raised together, $r$ was 0.93)
Is there any way to get from this $r$ value back to the expected standard deviation in the normal distribution of which a pair of twins are two sample points? Intuitively I would have thought that if you repeatedly take 2 samples from different normal distributions, and then calculate the correlation of those samples, it should be possible to calculate the average standard deviation of the original normal distributions?