
I have a doubt about the Schoenfeld residuals that are used to check the Cox proportional hazard model.

The residuals formula is: $$\hat{r}_{ik}=c_i(x_{ik}-\hat{\bar{x}}_{w_ik})$$ $$\hat{\bar{x}}_{w_ik}=\frac{\sum_{j\in R(t_i)}x_{jk}e^{\vec{x}^{\intercal}_j\vec\beta}}{\sum_{j\in R(t_i)}e^{\vec{x}^{\intercal}_j\vec\beta}}$$

And, in theory, its plot should be on average on close to 0.

To test it I took the Weibull hazard function: $$h(t)=ba^{-b}t^{b-1}$$ And rewrote it as: $$h(t)=be^{-b\cdot log(a)}t^{b-1}$$ The Cox proportional hazard model is: $$h(t,\vec{x},\vec{\beta})=h_0(t)\cdot e^{\vec{\beta}^{\intercal}\vec{x}}$$ That, in this case, becomes: $$h_0(t)=bt^{b-1}$$ $$\vec\beta=-b$$ $$\vec{x}=log(a)$$

I then tried simulating with MATLAB 1000 uncensored events, randomly split with $a=10$ and $a=20$ and having $b=2$. I hypothesized my Cox proportional hazard model were able to correctly identify $h_0(t)=bt^{b-1}$ and $\vec\beta=-b$ and computed the theoretical Schoenfeld residuals: $$\hat{r}_{ik}=log(a_i)-\hat{\bar{x}}_{w_i}$$ $$\hat{\bar{x}}_{w_i}=\frac{\sum_{j\in R(t_i)}log(a_j)e^{-b\cdot log(a_j)}}{\sum_{j\in R(t_i)}e^{-b\cdot log(a_j)}}$$ The result was this: Theoretical Schoenfeld residuals I also tried fitting a Cox proportional hazard model and computing the Schoenfeld residuals automatically (red circles): Schoenfeld residuals The both cases average residuals are not close to 0 at all. I am not sure what I am missing.

I took the Schoenfeld residual formula from:

Applied Survival Analysis: Regression Modelling of Time-to-Event Data, 2nd Edition


  • 2
    $\begingroup$ How did you check that the averages of the residuals were not close to zero? Looking at them isn't very informative, because of the bands in the residuals -- you really need to run a smoother through them to see how the average value varies $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 22, 2022 at 0:29
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Thank you, you are probably right. I was fooled by the position of the two sets of points in the graph, the upper being way higher above 0 than the lower is low below zero. In facts the lower group is more dense and they probably should balance each other while correctly computing something like a moving average. I am now trying various smoothing methods (moving average, lowess, loess) with different windows, but the line remains very jagged. Do you have by any chance a suggestion on how to correctly smooth the data? $\endgroup$
    – Hidden Cat
    Commented Mar 22, 2022 at 1:17
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ The survival::plot.cox.zph function in R defaults to a spline with 4 degrees of freedom $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 22, 2022 at 2:34


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