I have the following data
mydat <- read.table(textConnection(' study treatment exposure responders A 5 277 22 B 1 1251 211 B 5 625 8 C 5 477 36 C 7 236 6'), header=TRUE)
Each (study, treatment) combination produces a risk of responders/exposure
. In study B, we see that the risk of Treatment 1 = 211/1251 = 0.169
and Treatment 5 = 8/625 = 0.013
, and this risk is significantly different based on a two-sample t-test for just Study B.
Trials A and C reveal risks for Treatment 5 to be 22/277 = 0.079
and 36/477 = 0.075
respectively, still far lower than the Treatment 1 in Study B (although I know, it's from a different trial so results aren't transferable). In any case, a direct comparison in Study B of Treatment 5 vs 1 shows significance, and additional trials still have far lower proportions, so it seems most likely that a network meta-analysis should reveal significance as well. Let's proceed with the network meta-analysis with package gemtc
require(gemtc) net = mtc.network(mydat, treatments = data.frame(id = c(1, 5, 7), description = c("T1", "T2", "T3"))) model <- mtc.model(net, likelihood = "poisson", link = "log") res <- mtc.run(model, n.iter = 100000, thin = 5) leaguetab <- data.frame(round(exp(relative.effect.table(res)),2)) leaguetab X1 X5 X7 1 1 0.07 (0, 1.81) 0.02 (0, 2.29) 5 13.83 (0.55, 346.05) 5 0.32 (0.01, 8.45) 7 44.08 (0.44, 4544.36) 3.15 (0.12, 86.25) 7
The risk ratio of Treatment 5 vs Treatment 1 is 0.07, but the confidence intervals don't show significance. Why is this so? I understand network meta-analysis handles trial hetereogeneity via random effects, but it still seems bizarre it's not significant, since a head-on comparison from Study B reveals significance. All MCMC diagnostics reveal no problems with the sampling either.