In our assignment we were asked to model the compressive strength of concrete (response variable: Strength) with predictor variables Cement (kg/m^3), Water (kg/m^3), and Coarse.Aggregate (kg/m^3). We had to use backwards stepwise model selection from a complete second order model to produce the final model.
#complete second order model
full.model <- lm(Strength ~ (Cement + Water + Coarse.Aggregate)^2 +
I(Cement^2) + I(Water^2) + I(Coarse.Aggregate^2),
data = concrete.df)
The statistical analysis was carried out in RStudio and below is the output from the stepwise model selection
# backwards stepwise model selection
step(full.model, direction = "backward")
# output of the final step
Step: AIC=519.54
Strength ~ Cement + Water + Coarse.Aggregate + I(Water^2) + Water:Coarse.Aggregate
Df Sum of Sq RSS AIC
<none> 16004 519.54
- I(Water^2) 1 691.74 16695 521.77
- Water:Coarse.Aggregate 1 2490.36 18494 532.00
- Cement 1 3105.32 19109 535.27
I attempted to determine if this model was the best fit for the data by looking at the ANOVA table
# anova table
# output
Analysis of Variance Table
Response: Strength
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Cement 1 2612.8 2612.80 15.3468 0.0001696 ***
Water 1 2126.3 2126.27 12.4890 0.0006370 ***
Coarse.Aggregate 1 945.3 945.27 5.5522 0.0205336 *
I(Water^2) 1 34.3 34.26 0.2012 0.6547702
Water:Coarse.Aggregate 1 2490.4 2490.36 14.6276 0.0002355 ***
Residuals 94 16003.6 170.25
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Based on the Anova table I concluded that the I(Water^2) term was not significant given the p-value > then the threshold 0.05 and removed that term from the final model.
# final model
final.model <- lm(Strength ~ Cement + Water + Coarse.Aggregate +
Coarse.Aggregate:Water, data = concrete.df)
The assignment was marked and the feedback I was provided mentioned that the ANOVA is unnecessary and I shouldn't combine using AIC and p-value variable selection within the same model building exercise.
My question is: why is this the case? I have tried looking for resources to provide the reasoning behind this with no luck.
Note: this is a second year statistics course and it may be outside of the scope of what we are learning right now but I need to know! Thanks!
Sorry if this is not the right forum to ask, let me know if there is a better place to ask this question.