I am using binary logistic regression with a number of continuous and dummy predictors.
Is it OK to include a continuous predictor for age as well as dummy predictors based on age, such as "teen" and "senior citizen", or will doing so bias the model estimates? EDIT: The age distribution of the sample being analyzed begins with "teens" and ends with "seniors."
The reason I'd like to do this is because I believe age behaves nonlinearly for the model in question, but not in the typical accelerating or decelerating way that would be found by fitting a quadratic function. Instead, I believe the outcome is less likely for teens than non-teens, has a negative, linear relationship with age for adults, and is more likely for seniors than non-seniors. I think the simplest way to model this may be to include a continuous variable for age, a dummy variable for teen, and another dummy variable for senior. I believe there are more advanced ways of dealing with such effects, but I'm wondering if my relatively simple approach is appropriate because it would probably be easier for me to implement and interpret.
If my proposed model is OK, how exactly would I interpret the meaning of the odds ratios? I think I would interpret age as: each additional year of age increases/decreases the likelihood of the outcome by x%, controlling for whether those in the sample were teens or seniors. I further think this means that the odds ratio for age indicates the odds of increasing/decreasing the outcome for those in the adult age range only (i.e., not teens and not seniors). Is that correct?
I’m also unsure of the interpretation of the dummy variables. I think they would be interpreted simply as: being a teen (or senior) increases/decreases the likelihood of the outcome by x%, controlling for the effect of years of age.
Thanks for reading, and feel free to tell me I'm horribly off base :D