Here is the big picture of my problem: In the image below, X and Y represent 2 independent gaussian distributions. So the circles are the representation of the resultant bivariate gaussian. This bivariate gaussian is traversed by a line L: aX+bY=c where a,b and c are real numbers. So It is know that when a bivariate gaussian is traversed by a line (so in 3 d this bivariate gaussian is sliced by a plane) the result is a gaussian distribution.
In order to derive that analytically, we compute the conditional distribution of the bivariate gaussian over the line L.
This is done by:
$ p(k|aX+bY=c) = \frac {p_x(X_k)p_y(Y_k)}{p(X+Y=c)} = \frac {p_x(X_k)p_y(Y_k)}{\int_{L} p_x(X)p_y(Y) dX dY}$
Where $k$ defines any point on the line L
The numerator is easy since it is the product of gaussian which will give an unnormalized gaussian. However, my problem is the denominator. Indeed, I know for sure that this integral in the denominator is equal to $P_z(c)$ where P_z is the gaussian distribution : $Z=aX+bY$.
My goal is to prove that result (the one related to the integral in the denominator) I guess that to approach that integral, first we need to do a change of base using the base from the line which is characterized by a point of origin $(r_1,r_2)$ and $(b_1,b_2)$