I am having some trouble with the literature on the correct model specification for my question.
Here is the setup: I have a multilevel model with a variety of variables at level 1 and a single level 2 variable. I am examining interactions between both level 1 variables and cross interactions between the level 2 variable and other level one variables.
Here is an example: X = level 1 variable D = level 1 variable Z = level 2 variable
The model I want is Y = X + D + Z + XD + XZ Therefore, I have interactions between two level 1 variables (X and D), as well as a cross-level interaction (X and Z)
This is where I am having trouble figuring out the correct centering in the model. Where do I group-mean center and grand-mean center? What about the centering for the main effect terms? Also, should I be including any random slopes?