I am having some difficulty identifying the appropriate GLM family for my proportional data in a mixed model. My response data is inherently proportional (0,1) but also includes values of 1. My proposed model:
prop.surv1 <- glmmTMB(worker.prop ~ Source.pop + (1 | Colony_ID) + (1 | Col_Season),
weights= Worker.start, family = quasi_binomial(), data=count)
I have had trouble modeling this with different family types since glmer()
and glmmTMB()
no longer include the quasi-binomial family.
I've tried out using the beta_family()
arg but the beta_family()
arg uses a 'logit' link which does not match my data since it includes some values of 1.
Any suggestions that might work for fitting proportional data still within glmmTMB
Thank you.