When fitting a Poisson regression on data with low expected values, the intercept term has a small bias even when the model is perfectly specified. Below, I simulated data just using $y \sim rPois(exp(\beta_0))$ and then fit the data using the glm model $log(E[y]) \sim \beta_0$. On average, the estimates are slightly biased downwards. The bias is small, but I would like to understand why this happens.
I could understand why this would happen if $\beta_0$ was a large negative number and the data were mostly zeros, but the data from the $\beta_0$ values I chose is always mostly non-zero. Why would this happen?
# function to run the simulation for one set of beta values
run_sim <- function(b0, n = 50, R = 10000){
# simulate y values and then estimate
b0_estimates <- sapply(1:R, function(i){
y = rpois(n, exp(b0))
tmp = data.frame(y = rpois(n, exp(b0)))
mod_col <- glm('y ~ 1', data = tmp, family=poisson)
b0_hat <- mod_col$coefficients[1]
# get the bias
mean_bias = mean(b0_estimates) - b0
# simulate for beta0 values ranging from 1 to 10
b0_vec = 1:10
bias_vec = sapply(b0_vec, function(b0){
run_sim(b0, R = 10000)
# plot the results
plot(b0_vec, bias_vec, xlab = 'true b0', ylab = 'b0 bias')