For my Master thesis I have to perform the DCC-GARCH model to examine the correlation between real estate house prices and the stock market. I tested the data for normality (both not normal) and stationarity (both not stationary) and variance ratio test (was significant).
I used the log function because of the non-normality and took the first difference. After this, the real estate house prices were still not stationary, so I took the second difference which resulted in stationary data. The stock market data was stationary after taking the first difference, but I think I need to take the second difference as well in order to use it for the DCC-GARCH model.
The code I used for the DCC model is:
#perform DCC
model1=ugarchspec(mean.model = list(armaOrder=c(0,0)),variance.model = list(garchOrder=c(1,1),model="sGARCH"),distribution.model = "norm")
modelspec=dccspec(uspec = multispec(replicate(2,model1)),dccOrder = c(1,1), distribution = "mvnorm")
I'm not sure if I took the right steps to perform this analysis or if my code is even correct. Compared to other papers, I find it strange that only 3 parameters are significant and that alpha1
for stocks and dcca1
are almost equal to 1.
Can anyone help me with this?
Update: Further Research
I have proceeded by taking the log return of both the property price index and stock price index. Then I used the diff()
function, resulting in both time series being stationary. The results, however, are barely different than the last results I showed in the post.
Distribution : mvnorm
Model : DCC(1,1)
No. Parameters : 11
[VAR GARCH DCC UncQ] : [0+8+2+1]
No. Series : 2
No. Obs. : 130
Log-Likelihood : 502.7599
Av.Log-Likelihood : 3.87
Optimal Parameters
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
[ts_prop].mu 0.000547 0.003082 0.177488 0.859125
[ts_prop].omega 0.000011 0.000072 0.156417 0.875704
[ts_prop].alpha1 0.349696 0.649448 0.538451 0.590266
[ts_prop].beta1 0.649304 0.387195 1.676944 0.093553
[ts_share].mu 0.000031 0.008641 0.003615 0.997116
[ts_share].omega 0.000004 0.000007 0.561343 0.574564
[ts_share].alpha1 0.000000 0.000673 0.000009 0.999993
[ts_share].beta1 0.999000 0.000882 1132.157095 0.000000
[Joint]dcca1 0.000000 0.000007 0.000353 0.999719
[Joint]dccb1 0.895265 0.119982 7.461638 0.000000
Information Criteria
Akaike -7.5655
Bayes -7.3229
Shibata -7.5784
Hannan-Quinn -7.4669
Elapsed time : 0.909425
The next step in our analysis is to apply linear regression to see which determinants (like the long term interest rate) have a significant effect on the dynamic correlation between the property return time series and stock return time series. For this, I extracted the dynamic correlations from the DCC-GARCH model, but as you can see in the graph 'fcor', these correlations all have the same value of 0.133784 with minimal changes.
> summary(mod1)
lm(formula = fcor ~ long)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.000000010205 -0.000000003962 -0.000000001022 0.000000004495 0.000000019842
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.1337839573855 0.0000000005038 265555616.311 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
long 0.0000000045540 0.0000000016445 2.769 0.00646 **
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 0.000000005664 on 128 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.05652, Adjusted R-squared: 0.04915
F-statistic: 7.669 on 1 and 128 DF, p-value: 0.006455
I also performed regression on other determinants with all having a significant effect on the dynamic correlations. Can someone explain to me why the dynamic correlations barely change and why this has an effect on the linear regression result?
with a single difference)? Also, what do you mean by variance test? Also, next time consider pasting the R output as text, not as picture. $\endgroup$diff(log(.))
appears nonstationary, but it does not seem to have a unit root, and thus taking another difference is probably not an adequate measure. In this model, I would perhaps just use thediff(log(.))
as is, even if it is nonstationary. But I do not have a solid defense of either choice. The problem is that the model is inadequate in either case due to the first series exhibiting some form of structural change. $\endgroup$