I have two outcomes given a population of people.
- report a headache
- report a migraine
And all those people are broken into two sets of groups.
- by sex (male and female)
- by deprivations score (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) - this is a measure of several factors, but think of it as a measure of poverty.
Each individual can only report a headache or a migraine, not both. And each individual can only be in one of the five deprivations groups, they can belong to multiple groups. Each individual can only be male or female.
As a reduced example, there are 200 males and 600 females reporting to their doctor. Of those males, 50 report a migraine, and 150 report a headache. A male can't report both headache and migraine. Of those females, 300 report a migraine and the other 300 report a headache. A female can't report both headache and migraine. Given the total numbers reporting to the doctor, are males overrepresented reporting a headache compared to females and how about for migraine?
The same for deprivation scores. Of the deprivation scores, which ones show a great propensity for reporting a migraine over a headache (or vice versa - I don't really mind)? An individual in the population can only belong to one of the deprivation groups.
I appreciate the question isn't well-defined, and I'm happy to provide further information. I used to know all of this, many years ago, so I really do appreciate being educated again. Many thanks :-)