I am reading material that reports the area under a ROC curve. I am curious to know what the performance would be in precision-recall space. From the sensitivity and specificity values in the ROC curve and knowing the prior probability (prevalence) of event occurrence, I can calculate the precision, derived here.
$$ \text{Precision} =\dfrac{ \text{sensitivity}\times\text{prevalence} }{ \text{sensitivity}\times\text{prevalence} + \left[ \left( 1 - \text{specificity} \right)\times\left( 1 - \text{prevalence} \right) \right] } $$
As I have the ROC curve figures, I can estimate what the sensitivity and specificity values are, but I do not have access to the sensitivity and specificity values, nor do I have access to the data (and I will not be getting either in the foreseeable future).
Therefore, I am looking for a conversion between area under the ROC curve to area under the PR curve, some function like:
$$ \text{PRAUC} = f\big( \text{ROCAUC}, \text{Prevalence} \big) $$
Is there such an $f$ that will transform ROCAUC and prevalence to PRAUC? Is additional information needed to transform, if prevalence is not enough?