To verify whether a given model can accurately estimate the target estimand of interest, one might generate data to simulate the assumed data generating process, define a treatment effect, and estimate the target treatment effect and evaluate how well a given model recovers the estimand.
I am new to simulation, and I notice in other works that causal effects (whether these be treatment $\rightarrow$ outcome, confounder $\rightarrow$ outcome, confounder $\rightarrow$ treatment, etc.) are often specified in the aggregate. I.e., I might define and simulate my DGP as:
Outcome = Treatment(0.75) + Confounder$_1$(0.33) + Confounder$_2$(1.05) + ...
Of course, this definition does not account for any form of effect heterogeneity for either the treatment nor the confounder effects. Assume that I am not interested in estimating heterogenous treatment effects. I am simply interested in estimating the ATT for example, and I want to evaluate different models and see which recovers the target estimand the best. Do I need to worry about simulating potential heterogenous treatment effects? If I omit defining such possible effects from the simulation, is my simulated data inherently not reflective of the "real" data and therefore not informative as a validation check of different models?
Or, in contrast, if I am only interested in average effects, does the correct specification of sub-population-level effects not matter? That doesn't seem quite right to me, although, neither does the manual specification of any heterogenous treatment effect.