Is it possible that the coefficients for the exogenous variables in (regression with ARIMA errors) are only meaningful with MA(1) models?
Here is my reasoning and a simulation. I would be grateful for any guidance. I have an engineering background with only undergrad-level stats.
Consider a dynamic process for a dependent variable y
that responds to two independent variables x1
, x2
There is a steady state model that describes the value of y
reached after a period of time. ys = 30 + 100 x1 + 200 x2
There is a rate constant k
that controls the approach to steady state. dy/dt = k(ys - y)
This describes any first-order physical process, for example,
= the temperature of a bagel in a toaster
= pressing down the lever to begin toasting
= pressing the "bagel" button to further elevate the coil temperatures
A simple version of the heat equation is dT/dt = k(T0 - T)
where T0 is the temperature of the coil and T the temperature of the bagel. Let's make a simple model of the coil temperature assuming it responds instantaneously to the inputs T0 = b0 + b1 x1 + b2 x2
I simulated my data with room temperature as 30 degrees, pressing the lever heats to 130, and then pressing the button heats to 330 degrees. The bagel will gradually heat - this is shown by the solution for y
in the below plot.
If x1
and x2
have values of zero or one for pressing the lever and the button, then b0
measures room temperature (30 degrees), b1
measures the additional degrees that pressing the lever heats the coil above room temperature (+100 degrees), and b2
the additional degrees that pressing the button gives (+200 degrees). The value of k
has units of 1/sec
and describes empirically the rate of heat transfer from the coil to the bagel.
I imagine this simple ODE system could model other dynamic processes approximately. I'm not a social scientist, but I imagine there are some dynamics after the application of an intervention and an eventual steady state.
Let's say I have observations of the bagel temperature and I want to measure the coefficients for x1
and x2
on dynamic data. It's natural to fit a regression model with ARIMA errors for y
with exogenous regressors x1
, x2
In the equation dy/dt = k(ys - y)
, it seems to me that the driving force for the approach to steady state ys - y
is related to the MA(1)
, x1
, and x2
terms. It seems that there is no role for the AR terms or higher-order MA terms. And possibly, including these terms will destroy the relationship we would like to fit.
I simulated some data by integrating the above ODE and fit two regression models. I fit one model with auto.arima
for automatic model selection. The coefficients for x1
and x2
are wrong and close to zero. b1 = 0.1, b2 = 0.2.
I fit a second model with only MA(1). The coefficients are much closer to the model that generated the data. b1 = 68, b2 = 181. I suppose there is some error created by the approximation of the ODE integration by the basic arithmetic of the MA(1) term.
edit: I wonder if the MA(1) model with exogenous regressors is equivalent to integrating an ODE with the Euler method, and we can expect some error in the estimate in a similar way that Euler method creates integration error that is addressed by Runge-Kutta.
#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'quantmod':
#> method from
#> zoo
# functions for generating dynamic data ----
fn <- function(x1, x2) {
# predict steady state response from predictors
30 + 100 * x1 + 200 * x2
calc_dy_dt <- function(t, y, p) {
# return the derivative
# first-order approach to steady state
x1 <- approx(p$data$t, p$data$x1, t, rule = 2)$y
x2 <- approx(p$data$t, p$data$x2, t, rule = 2)$y
dy_dt <- p$k * (fn(x1, x2) - y)
integrate_y <- function(data, k) {
# integrate the ode to produce dynamic response
# and add as new column to the data frame
soln <- ode(
lst(data, k)
data |>
add_column(y = soln[, 2])
plot_solution <- function(data) {
# plot predictor, steady-state response, and dynamic response
data |>
pivot_longer(-t) |>
label = case_match(name, "ys" ~ "steady state solution", "y" ~ "dynamic solution", .default = "input"),
name = factor(name, c("x1", "x2", "ys", "y")),
label = factor(label, c("input", "steady state solution", "dynamic solution"))
) |>
ggplot() + aes(t, value, color = label) + geom_line() +
facet_wrap(~name, scales = "free_y")
# sample data ----
dat <- tibble(
t = 1:100,
x1 = if_else(t < 20, 0, 1),
x2 = if_else(t < 50, 0, 1),
ys = fn(x1, x2)
dat <- dat |>
# plot ----
dat |>
plot_solution() |>
# models ----
model <- auto.arima(dat$y, xreg = dat |> select(x1, x2) |> as.matrix())
model |>
#> Series: dat$y
#> Regression with ARIMA(5,1,0) errors
#> Coefficients:
#> ar1 ar2 ar3 ar4 ar5 x1 x2
#> 1.6899 -1.3043 0.9268 -0.5569 0.1946 0.1234 0.2463
#> s.e. 0.0979 0.1882 0.2084 0.1856 0.0959 0.4495 0.4497
#> sigma^2 = 1.47: log likelihood = -157.72
#> AIC=331.44 AICc=333.04 BIC=352.2
model_ma <- Arima(dat$y, order = c(0, 0, 1), xreg = dat |> select(x1, x2) |> as.matrix())
model_ma |>
#> Series: dat$y
#> Regression with ARIMA(0,0,1) errors
#> Coefficients:
#> ma1 intercept x1 x2
#> 0.7122 35.0462 68.6714 181.5979
#> s.e. 0.0546 10.0105 12.3623 10.1697
#> sigma^2 = 730.1: log likelihood = -469.86
#> AIC=949.73 AICc=950.37 BIC=962.75
Created on 2024-06-03 with reprex v2.1.0
from theforecast
package, I believe that I am fitting the models "the right way" and thus my question is unrelated to that blog post. My question is more about "what is the relationship between (time series models with exogenous regressions) and (ODE models)?" and less about the different flavors of ARIMAX. Admittedly, I am a pure practitioner, and my theory is weak. $\endgroup$