I am going to propose an alternative to the ordered probit/logit approach that I have not seen used before. If this turns out to be a stupid idea, someone will surely point that out and we will all learn something.
The main idea is to divide the star rating by the max value of five, so that it lies in [0,1]. This leaves zero stars at zero and maps a perfect five-star business to one. This means you can use a fractional probit or logit on the rescaled outcome, get predictions and marginal effects, and then scale them back up to the familiar five-star scale. This model is computationally less demanding and suitable if you care merely about the change in the average rating.
Here's a toy example in Stata on some business ratings from Yelp. The distribution of ratings looks like this:
I will model the star rating as a function of a quadratic polynomial in latitude. I will consider the change in the average rating associated with moving 25 degrees further north. The effect from the fractional probit model is almost 1/3 of a star, and tightly estimated:
. clear
. // (1) Get Yelp Ratings Data
. copy "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/katazmic/yelpAnalytics/90534078aa062267a254d6c52285b54d97109385/yelp_academic_dataset_business.csv" yelp_businesses_raw.csv, replace
. // (2) Clean Up Variable Names To Be Palatable to Stata
. ! head -n 1 yelp_businesses_raw.csv | sed 's/\./_/g' | sed 's/ /_/g' | sed 's/,/ /g' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' > varnames.csv
. import delimited varnames using "varnames.csv", clear case(lower) varnames(nonames)
(encoding automatically selected: ISO-8859-1)
(1 var, 1 obs)
. local oldvarnames = varnames[1]
. local oldvarnames = subinstr("`oldvarnames'", "attributes_good_for_kids", "attributes_good_for_kids1",1)
. local oldvarnames = subinstr("`oldvarnames'", "attributes_good_for_kids", "attributes_good_for_kids2",1)
. local oldvarnames = subinstr("`oldvarnames'", "attributes_", "attr_",.)
. local oldvarnames = subinstr("`oldvarnames'", "attr_dietary_restrictions_", "attr_diet_",.)
. local oldvarnames = subinstr("`oldvarnames'", "attr_hair_types_specialized_in_", "attr_hair_spec_in_",.)
. local newvarnames ""
. foreach var of local oldvarnames {
2. local newvarnames `"`newvarnames' `=lower(strtoname("`var'"))'"'
3. }
. // (4) Import the Data and Rename With Clean Variables Names
. import delimited using yelp_businesses_raw.csv, clear delim(",") rowrange(2) varnames(nonames) bindquote(strict) case(lower)
(encoding automatically selected: ISO-8859-1)
(105 vars, 61,184 obs)
. rename (v*) (`newvarnames')
. // (5) Fractional Probit Model with Star Rating Rescaled to Lie in [0,1]
. gen stars_norm = stars/5
. assert inrange(stars_norm, 0, 1)
. fracreg probit stars_norm c.latitude##c.latitude, vce(robust) nolog
Fractional probit regression Number of obs = 61,184
Wald chi2(2) = 122.72
Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
Log pseudolikelihood = -35392.619 Pseudo R2 = 0.0002
| Robust
stars_norm | Coefficient std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]
latitude | -.0273943 .0044782 -6.12 0.000 -.0361714 -.0186172
c.latitude#c.latitude | .0003479 .0000513 6.79 0.000 .0002474 .0004484
_cons | 1.153459 .094506 12.21 0.000 .9682306 1.338687
. // predict rescaled star rating at current latitude and at 25 degrees further north
. margins, at((asobserved) latitude) at(latitude = generate(latitude + 25)) post // coefl
Predictive margins Number of obs = 61,184
Model VCE: Robust
Expression: Conditional mean of stars_norm, predict()
1._at: (asobserved)
2._at: latitude = latitude + 25
| Delta-method
| Margin std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]
_at |
1 | .7346609 .0007201 1020.17 0.000 .7332495 .7360724
2 | .7891537 .004838 163.11 0.000 .7796714 .7986361
. // Calculate Finite Difference and Transform Back to Original Scale
. lincom 5*(_b[2._at] - _b[1._at]) // Effect is ~1/3 stars
( 1) - 5*1bn._at + 5*2._at = 0
| Coefficient Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]
(1) | .272464 .024192 11.26 0.000 .2250484 .3198795
For comparison, here's what the ordered probit model would look like (with fewer categories):
. // (6) Ordered Probit Model with Star Rating Categories
. recode stars (1 = "1") (1.5 = 2 "1.5") (2 = 3 "2") (2.5 = 4 "2.5") (3 = 5 "3") (3.5 = 6 "3.5") (4 = 7 "4") (4.5 = 8 "4.5") (5 = 9 "5"), gen(star_cat)
(60,547 differences between stars and star_cat)
. oprobit star_cat c.latitude##c.latitude, nolog
Ordered probit regression Number of obs = 61,184
LR chi2(2) = 52.78
Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
Log likelihood = -118357.1 Pseudo R2 = 0.0002
star_cat | Coefficient Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]
latitude | -.0571126 .0091394 -6.25 0.000 -.0750256 -.0391996
c.latitude#c.latitude | .0006907 .0001059 6.52 0.000 .0004831 .0008983
/cut1 | -3.459527 .191486 -3.834833 -3.084221
/cut2 | -3.054382 .1912211 -3.429169 -2.679596
/cut3 | -2.646753 .1911211 -3.021343 -2.272162
/cut4 | -2.174837 .1910784 -2.549344 -1.80033
/cut5 | -1.70519 .1910467 -2.079635 -1.330745
/cut6 | -1.13739 .1910135 -1.511769 -.7630103
/cut7 | -.5518906 .1909904 -.9262248 -.1775564
/cut8 | .027655 .1909572 -.3466143 .4019243
. // Get Pr(Category = j | Latitude)
. margins, at(latitude = generate(latitude)) at(latitude = generate(latitude + 25))
Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 61,184
Model VCE: OIM
1._predict: Pr(star_cat==1), predict(pr outcome(1))
2._predict: Pr(star_cat==2), predict(pr outcome(2))
3._predict: Pr(star_cat==3), predict(pr outcome(3))
4._predict: Pr(star_cat==4), predict(pr outcome(4))
5._predict: Pr(star_cat==5), predict(pr outcome(5))
6._predict: Pr(star_cat==6), predict(pr outcome(6))
7._predict: Pr(star_cat==7), predict(pr outcome(7))
8._predict: Pr(star_cat==8), predict(pr outcome(8))
9._predict: Pr(star_cat==9), predict(pr outcome(9))
1._at: latitude = latitude
2._at: latitude = latitude + 25
| Delta-method
| Margin std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]
_predict#_at |
1 1 | .0103948 .0004099 25.36 0.000 .0095914 .0111983
1 2 | .0051554 .0005129 10.05 0.000 .0041502 .0061606
2 1 | .0178784 .0005355 33.38 0.000 .0168288 .018928
2 2 | .0100725 .0008187 12.30 0.000 .0084678 .0116772
3 1 | .0386198 .0007789 49.59 0.000 .0370933 .0401464
3 2 | .0238898 .0016102 14.84 0.000 .0207339 .0270458
4 1 | .0851714 .0011285 75.47 0.000 .0829595 .0873833
4 2 | .05853 .0031334 18.68 0.000 .0523887 .0646713
5 1 | .1362984 .0013876 98.23 0.000 .1335788 .1390179
5 2 | .1049775 .0041789 25.12 0.000 .0967871 .1131679
6 1 | .2153778 .0016624 129.56 0.000 .2121195 .218636
6 2 | .1893193 .0045789 41.35 0.000 .1803449 .1982938
7 1 | .2202074 .0016752 131.45 0.000 .216924 .2234907
7 2 | .2256132 .0020153 111.95 0.000 .2216632 .2295632
8 1 | .1558315 .0014666 106.26 0.000 .152957 .1587059
8 2 | .1886484 .0036141 52.20 0.000 .181565 .1957318
9 1 | .1202205 .0013143 91.47 0.000 .1176446 .1227965
9 2 | .1937938 .0120642 16.06 0.000 .1701484 .2174392
. // Calculate Finite Differences For Each Star Rating Category
. margins, at(latitude = generate(latitude)) at(latitude = generate(latitude + 25)) contrast(atcontrast(ar._at)) post
Contrasts of adjusted predictions Number of obs = 61,184
Model VCE: OIM
1._predict: Pr(star_cat==1), predict(pr outcome(1))
2._predict: Pr(star_cat==2), predict(pr outcome(2))
3._predict: Pr(star_cat==3), predict(pr outcome(3))
4._predict: Pr(star_cat==4), predict(pr outcome(4))
5._predict: Pr(star_cat==5), predict(pr outcome(5))
6._predict: Pr(star_cat==6), predict(pr outcome(6))
7._predict: Pr(star_cat==7), predict(pr outcome(7))
8._predict: Pr(star_cat==8), predict(pr outcome(8))
9._predict: Pr(star_cat==9), predict(pr outcome(9))
1._at: latitude = latitude
2._at: latitude = latitude + 25
| df chi2 P>chi2
_at@_predict |
(2 vs 1) 1 | 1 109.03 0.0000
(2 vs 1) 2 | 1 98.02 0.0000
(2 vs 1) 3 | 1 89.54 0.0000
(2 vs 1) 4 | 1 76.41 0.0000
(2 vs 1) 5 | 1 59.89 0.0000
(2 vs 1) 6 | 1 36.12 0.0000
(2 vs 1) 7 | 1 24.35 0.0000
(2 vs 1) 8 | 1 103.12 0.0000
(2 vs 1) 9 | 1 38.05 0.0000
Joint | 8 766.12 0.0000
| Delta-method
| Contrast std. err. [95% conf. interval]
_at@_predict |
(2 vs 1) 1 | -.0052394 .0005018 -.0062229 -.004256
(2 vs 1) 2 | -.0078058 .0007884 -.0093511 -.0062606
(2 vs 1) 3 | -.01473 .0015567 -.0177811 -.011679
(2 vs 1) 4 | -.0266414 .0030477 -.0326148 -.020668
(2 vs 1) 5 | -.0313209 .0040472 -.0392532 -.0233885
(2 vs 1) 6 | -.0260584 .004336 -.0345568 -.0175601
(2 vs 1) 7 | .0054058 .0010954 .0032588 .0075528
(2 vs 1) 8 | .032817 .0032316 .026483 .0391509
(2 vs 1) 9 | .0735733 .0119267 .0501974 .0969491
. marginsplot, yline(0) xlab(1 "1" 2 "1.5" 3 "2" 4 "2.5" 5 "3" 6 "3.5" 7 "4" 8 "4.5" 9 "5") ylab(#10) ///
> title("Effect of Relocating 25 Degrees North on Each Star Ratings") ytitle("Change in Probability")
Variables that uniquely identify margins: _outcome
Multiple at() options specified:
_atoption=1: latitude = generate(latitude)
_atoption=2: latitude = generate(latitude + 25)
This shows that ratings in the left part of the star distribution become less probable, especially in the middle, while top ratings become more likely.
This took a bit longer to run since there are multiple effects, but it offers a richer picture of what's happening in all parts of the distribution.