We essentially proceed in the same way as in the $N=1$ case.
Firstly we rewrite the first term in square brackets in the right hand side in $(2)$. Here you go:
&&{\mathfrak f}_\nu^{(A,b)} =
e^{\frac{\nu}{2} \cdot Tr[A]} \cdot \sqrt{\det[A]} \cdot \left(\prod\limits_{i=1}^N (\frac{\nu}{2} A_{i,i})^n \right) \cdot \frac{1}{((n-1)!)^N} \cdot\\
e^{-n \frac{A_{i,i}}{\eta_i} + n \log(\frac{1-\eta_i}{\eta_i})}
\frac{e^{\frac{1}{2} \frac{A_{i,i}}{\eta_i} }}{\eta_i(1-\eta_i)}
\frac{\exp\left( \frac{1}{2} b^T \cdot [{\tilde A}(\eta)]^{-1} \cdot b\right)}{\sqrt{\det {\tilde A}(\eta) }}
\left[\prod\limits_{i=1}^N d \eta_i \right] \tag{3}
Now, the phase function is the argument of the exponential in the underlined term. It is easy to see that the stationary point of that phase function reads $ \eta_* = \left( \frac{A_{i,i}}{1 + A_{i,i}} \right)_{i=1}^N $.
Now, we do two things. Firstly, we expand the argument of the exponential in the underlined term about the stationary point and then we expand the remaining part of the integrand about that point. In both cases we use expansion to the second order.
We define ${\tilde {\tilde A}} := A + 1_N + \sum\limits_{\xi=1}^\infty \frac{(-1)^\xi}{\sqrt{n}^\xi} \cdot D_\xi$ with $D_\xi:= diag \left( \frac{\eta_i^\xi}{(1+A_{i,i})^{\xi-1}}\right)_{i=1}^N$ and $B:=(A+1_N)^{-1}$ and
after some fairly simple manipulations we obtain the following result below.
&&{\mathfrak f}_\nu^{(A,b)} \simeq
\left(\underline{ \sqrt{2\pi} (n-\frac{1}{2})^n \frac{e^{-(n-\frac{1}{2})}}{(n-1)! \sqrt{n} } }\right)^N \cdot
\sqrt{\det(A)} \cdot
\frac{\exp\left( \frac{1}{2} b^T \cdot [A+1_N]^{-1} \cdot b\right)}{\sqrt{\det(A+1_N)}} \cdot \\
\int\limits_{-(1+A_{1,1}) \sqrt{n}}^{\frac{1+A_{1,1}}{A_{1,1}} \sqrt{n}}
\int\limits_{-(1+A_{N,N}) \sqrt{n}}^{\frac{1+A_{N,N}}{A_{N,N}} \sqrt{n}}
\frac{e^{-\frac{1}{2} \eta_i^2}}{\sqrt{2\pi}}
\cdot \\
-\frac{\eta _i^3
\left(A_{i,i}-2\right)}{3 \sqrt{n} \left(A_{i,i}+1\right)}
-\frac{\eta _i^4 \left(A_{i,i}^2-2 A_{i,i}+3\right)}{4 n \left(A_{i,i}+1\right){}^2}
\cdot \\
\prod\limits_{i=1}^N [1+ \frac{-3+A_{i,i}}{2(1+A_{i,i})} \cdot \frac{\eta_i}{\sqrt{n}} + \frac{17 - 2 A_{i,i} + 5 A_{i,i}^2}{8(1+A_{i,i})^2} \cdot (\frac{\eta_i}{\sqrt{n}})^2 + O(\frac{1}{n^{3/2}}) ]
\right) \cdot \\
\left( \right. \\
&& \left.
1+ \right. \\
&& \left.
\frac{1}{2 \sqrt{n}} \cdot (\text{Tr}\left[B.D_1\right]+b^T.B.D_1.B.b)+ \right. \\
\frac{1}{8 n} \cdot (\left(\text{Tr}\left[B.D_1\right]+b^T.B.D_1.B.b\right){}^2-4
\left(\text{Tr}\left[B.D_2\right]+b^T.B.D_2.B.b-b^T.B.D_1.B.D_1.B.b\right)+2 \text{Tr}\left[B.D_1.B.D_1\right]) \right. \\
+ O(\frac{1}{n^{3/2}}) \right. \\
\left[\prod\limits_{i=1}^N d \eta_i \right] \tag{4}
Now, as always, the code below verifies the result numerically for $N=3$ and for randomly chose $A,b$ and $\nu$ (subject to $\nu \ge 10$). Here we go:
In[2461]:= (*Dimension equals NN.*)
NN = 3; Clear[z, A, b, n, \[Eta]];
A = RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {NN, NN}]; A =
Transpose[A] . DiagonalMatrix[RandomReal[{1/2, 1}, NN]] .
A; A += +IdentityMatrix[NN];
b = RandomReal[{1, 2}, {NN, 1}];
\[Nu] = RandomReal[{10, 15}];
n = (\[Nu] + 1)/2;
1/Sqrt[(2 \[Pi])^NN Det[A]^-1]
Exp[-1/2 Sum[A[[i, j]] z[i] z[j], {i, 1, NN}, {j, 1, NN}] +
Sum[b[[i]] z[i], {i, 1, NN}]] Product[1/(1 + z[i]^2/\[Nu])^
n, {i, 1, NN}],
Sequence @@ Table[{z[i], -Infinity, +Infinity}, {i, 1, NN}]]]
Exp[\[Nu]/2 Tr[A]] Sqrt[Det[A]] Product[(\[Nu]/2 A[[i, i]])^
n, {i, 1, NN}] 1/((n - 1)!)^NN NIntegrate[
Product[Exp[-n A[[i, i]]/\[Eta][i] +
n Log[(1 - \[Eta][i])/\[Eta][i]]], {i, 1, NN}] Product[
Exp[(1/2) A[[i, i]]/\[Eta][i]]/(\[Eta][i] (1 - \[Eta][i])), {i, 1,
NN}] Exp[
1/2 Flatten[
b] . (Inverse[
Table[If[i == j, 1/\[Eta][i], 1] A[[i, j]], {i, 1, NN}, {j,
1, NN}]] . Flatten[b])]/Sqrt[
If[i == j, 1/\[Eta][i], 1] A[[i, j]], {i, 1, NN}, {j, 1, NN}]]],
Evaluate[Sequence @@ Table[{\[Eta][i], 0, 1}, {i, 1, NN}]]]
(*Here we applied the stationary phase approximation.*)
Exp[\[Nu]/2 Tr[A]] Sqrt[Det[A]] Product[(\[Nu]/2 A[[i, i]])^
n, {i, 1, NN}] 1/((n - 1)!)^NN NIntegrate[
n Log[1/A[[i, i]]] - n (1 + A[[i, i]]) - (
n (1 + A[[i, i]])^4 (-(A[[i, i]]/(1 + A[[i, i]])) + \[Eta][
i])^2)/(2 A[[i, i]]^2)], {i, 1, NN}] Product[(
E^(1/2 (1 + A[[i, i]])) (1 + A[[i, i]])^2)/A[[i, i]] + (
E^(1/2 +
1/2 A[[i, i]]) (-3 + A[[i, i]]) (1 +
A[[i, i]])^3 (-(A[[i, i]]/(1 + A[[i, i]])) + \[Eta][i]))/(
2 A[[i, i]]^2) + (
E^(1/2 +
1/2 A[[i, i]]) (1 + A[[i, i]])^4 (17 - 2 A[[i, i]] +
5 A[[i, i]]^2) (-(A[[i, i]]/(1 + A[[i, i]])) + \[Eta][i])^2)/(
8 A[[i, i]]^3), {i, 1,
NN}] (Exp[
1/2 Flatten[
b] . (Inverse[
i == j, (1 + A[[i, i]])/
A[[i, i]] - ((1 +
A[[i, i]])^2 (-(A[[i, i]]/(1 + A[[i, i]])) + \[Eta][
i]]^2 + ((1 +
A[[i, i]])^3 (-(A[[i, i]]/(
1 + A[[i, i]])) + \[Eta][i])^2)/A[[i, i]]^3, 1] A[[
i, j]], {i, 1, NN}, {j, 1, NN}]] .
i == j, (1 + A[[i, i]])/
A[[i, i]] - ((1 +
A[[i, i]])^2 (-(A[[i, i]]/(1 + A[[i, i]])) + \[Eta][
i]]^2 + ((1 +
A[[i, i]])^3 (-(A[[i, i]]/(1 + A[[i, i]])) + \[Eta][
i])^2)/A[[i, i]]^3, 1] A[[i, j]], {i, 1, NN}, {j, 1,
Evaluate[Sequence @@ Table[{\[Eta][i], 0, 1}, {i, 1, NN}]]]
Sqrt[Det[A]] (Sqrt[2 \[Pi]] (n - 1/2 )^
n Exp[-(n - 1/2)]/((n - 1)! Sqrt[n]))^NN NIntegrate[
Product[Exp[-((\[Eta][i])^2/2 )]/Sqrt[2 \[Pi]], {i, 1, NN}] Product[
1 + (-3 + A[[i, i]]) /(
2 (1 + A[[i, i]])^1) (\[Eta][i]/Sqrt[
n]) + (17 - 2 A[[i, i]] + 5 A[[i, i]]^2) /(
8 (1 + A[[i, i]])^2) (\[Eta][i]/Sqrt[n])^2, {i, 1,
NN}] (Exp[
1/2 Flatten[
b] . (Inverse[
Table[If[i == j,
1 + A[[i, i]] - (\[Eta][i]/Sqrt[n]) + (\[Eta][i]/Sqrt[
n])^2/ (1 + A[[i, i]]), A[[i, j]]], {i, 1, NN}, {j, 1,
NN}]] . Flatten[b])]/(\[Sqrt]Det[
Table[If[i == j,
1 + A[[i, i]] - (\[Eta][i]/Sqrt[n]) + (\[Eta][i]/Sqrt[
n])^2/ (1 + A[[i, i]]), A[[i, j]]], {i, 1, NN}, {j, 1,
Sequence @@
Table[{\[Eta][i], - (1 + A[[i, i]])^1 Sqrt[n], (1 + A[[i, i]])^1/
A[[i, i]] Sqrt[n]}, {i, 1, NN}]]]
Out[2463]= True
Out[2467]= {1.38337}
During evaluation of In[2461]:= NIntegrate::slwcon: Numerical integration converging too slowly; suspect one of the following: singularity, value of the integration is 0, highly oscillatory integrand, or WorkingPrecision too small.
Out[2468]= 1.38337
Out[2469]= 1.54514
Out[2470]= 1.54514
Overall conclusion:
It is not hard to see that when expanding the integrand in $(4)$ in powers of $1/\sqrt{n} $ we will obtain a multivariate expansion in the vector $\eta$ with firstly linear terms, then quadratic and possibly higher order terms. The zeroth order term factorizes into a product of Gaussian cumulative functions (CDFs) whereas the higher order terms will be always expressed in terms of derivatives of those CDFs. This basically concludes the whole thing.