If I understand correctly, your IV is "bike box" vs. "no bike box", and your DV is "correct" vs. "incorrrect". The resulting $2 \times 2$ classification table can be summarized with the Odds Ratio: "given the bike-box condition, what are the odds of getting a correct response?" compared to "given the no-bike-box condition, what are the odds of getting a correct response?" If the odds are identical, OR is 1. Yule's Q standardizes OR to the $[-1, 1]$ interval. In R:
> IV <- factor(rep(c("no bbox", "bbox"), c(241, 105)))
> DVnbb <- rep(c("correct", "incorrect"), c(173, 68))
> DVbb <- rep(c("correct", "incorrect"), c( 55, 50))
> DV <- factor(c(DVnbb, DVbb))
> cTab <- table(IV, DV)
> addmargins(cTab)
IV correct incorrect Sum
bbox 55 50 105
no bbox 173 68 241
Sum 228 118 346
> library(vcd) # for oddsratio()
> (OR <- oddsratio(cTab, log=FALSE))
[1] 0.4323699
> (55/50) / (173/68) # check: ratio of odds
[1] 0.4323699
> (Q <- (OR-1) / (OR+1)) # Yule's Q
[1] -0.3962873
A corresponding test for equal distributions of your DV within IV groups is Fisher's test.
> fisher.test(cTab)
Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data
data: cTab
p-value = 0.0008111
alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is not equal to 1
95 percent confidence interval:
0.2619504 0.7158848
sample estimates:
odds ratio
Note that fisher.test()
does not report the empirical OR, but a maximum-likelihood estimation.
Edit: Reading your answer, another measure that might capture some relevant information is relative risk: its definition is very similar to OR but calculates the "risk" of getting a correct response given one of the two conditions (and not the odds), i.e., the conditional relative frequency of a correct response.
# risk of getting correct (1st column) response in the two conditions
# calculated as conditional frequency: (cell count) / (sum of row counts)
> (risk <- prop.table(cTab, margin=1))
IV correct incorrect
bbox 0.5238095 0.4761905
no bbox 0.7178423 0.2821577
# compare risk in experimental condition to risk in control condition
> (relRisk <- risk[1, 1] / risk[2, 1])