I am attempting to create a model which looks at the effect that age, supplementary food use, and nest initiation date (converted to Julian days) is having on female reproductive success (success =1 and failure=0). Unfortunately I have a very small sample size of only 17 individuals. I believe that my data does include perfect separation in that the majority (seven of the eight) females that used supplementary food initiated nesting before a specific date, while the majority of individuals (seven of the nine) that did not use supplementary food initiated after that date. Will this prevent me from being able to run a logistic regressions on my data?
I received the error message, warning message: glm.fit: fitted possibilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
, when I ran the regression using the glm function with the family specified as binomial but not when I specify the family as quasibinomial. Does the use of quasibinomial somehow account for perfect separation or is this an unexpected side effect of accounting for overdispersion in my data?
Also, when I compare the two models' results the model where I used family = binomial
produces non-statistically significant results (z-value of 0 and p-value of 1) where as the model that I use family = quasibinomial
produced statistically significant results for all variables.
supplementary food use
&nest initiation date
are both covariates, the implication is that you have some collinearity / confounding. Separation pertains to the response variable. (Nb, collinearity also expands your SEs & reduces power.) $\endgroup$