I'm using a Gibbs sampler for Latent Dirichlet allocation as described by Griffiths and Steyvers (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC387300/). The sampling of a new topic $j$ for word $i$ is described by
$P(z_i = j | \mathbf{z}_{-i}, \mathbf{w}) \propto \frac{n^{(w_i)}_{-i,j} + \beta}{n^{(\bullet)}_{-i,j} + W \beta} \frac{n^{(d_i)}_{-i,j} + \alpha}{n^{(d_i)}_{-i} + T \alpha}$
For the sake of the question, let's focus on $\frac{n^{(d_i)}_{-i,j} + \alpha}{n^{(d_i)}_{-i} + T \alpha}$, which describes how a word's topic is sampled in relation to the current topic counts. The term $n^{(d_i)}_{-i,j}$ is the number of words in the document (not including the word we're updating) assigned to topic $j$, while $n^{(d_i)}_{-i}$ is the number of total words in the document not including the current word, $T$ is the number of topics, and $\alpha$ is the concentration parameter for the Dirichlet prior.
In many applications, it's reasonable for documents to only contain one or two topics, which leads to a very small concentration parameter $\alpha$, ($<0.01$). It seems that when $\alpha$ gets very small, the prior doesn't "exert much influence" in the sampling. The topics are mostly sampled in proportion to existing counts with only a very small $\alpha$ term added in.
In my experience, this doesn't tend to steer the sampler toward distributions that favor only one or two topics (or at least not quickly at all), as the sampler just samples in proportion to the initial topic distribution. In the extreme case of $\alpha =0$, there should be exactly one topic per document, but even after thousands and thousands of iterations, my sampler does not seem to approach such a distribution.
Is there any way for a small Dirichlet concentration parameter to "exert more influence" in Gibbs sampling?