I work in marketing, frequently running A/B tests on websites to determine which variation is best to serve to site visitors. I would like to be able to run a simulation that highlights the perils of repeated statistical significance tests (rather than a single significance test once sample size is met).
I'm new to R, as you will likely be able to tell with my code below. The issue I am having is, (p-value <= sig_level) is not returning the results I'd expect - ex, sometimes there are 0 p-values that meet this criteria. Clearly I have done something wrong with my code - Question: What have I done wrong?
Basic outline and R code are below.
- Use two variations, A & B, each with the same probability (in effect, an A/A test).
- Determine sample size with minimal detectable effect of 10%, 80% power, 95% confidence
- Calculate # of "conversions" by day (per variation), determined by a pre-set average daily visits (looped through by # of days it takes to reach sample size)
- Run a significance test after each "day", store p-value
simulate_rep = function(n, conv_rate = 0.03, daily_visits, sig_level = 0.05) {
control = 0
variation1 = 0
variation_visits = ceiling(daily_visits/2) # Split traffic in half for 2x variations, round up
exp_length_days = ((n*2)/daily_visits) # n * 2 (# of variations) / daily visit count
weeks_required = ceiling(exp_length_days / 7) # Rounded # of weeks required (to minimize day of week effects)
exp_length_days_ceiling = (weeks_required * 7) # Rounded # of days required
p_values = rep(NA, exp_length_days_ceiling)
for (i in 1:exp_length_days_ceiling) {
control_latest = rbinom(1, variation_visits, conv_rate)
control = control + control_latest
variation1_latest = rbinom(1, variation_visits, conv_rate)
variation1 = variation1 + variation1_latest
test = prop.test(c(control, variation1), c((i*variation_visits), (i*variation_visits)), alternative="two.sided")$p.value
p_values[i] = test
MDE = 0.1 # Minimal detectable effect, 5%
conv_rate = 0.03 # Baseline conversion rate
conv_rate_diff = conv_rate * (1 + MDE) # Base + MDE
conf_level = 0.95 # Confidence Level for sig test
sig_level = 1 - conf_level # Significance Level
# Determine sample size, experiment length
n = power.prop.test(p1 = conv_rate, p2 = conv_rate_diff, power = 0.8, alternative = "two.sided", sig.level = sig_level)$n # Determine necessary sample size
avg_daily_visits = 7945 # Sample daily traffic volume
output = rep(simulate_rep(n, conv_rate, avg_daily_visits, sig_level), 100)
sum(output <= 0.05)