Linked Questions

3 votes
1 answer

Correlation between a numeric and factor in R [duplicate]

I'm new to R and I'm trying to find the correlation between a numeric variable and a factor one. I have a data frame with the following 3 columns: 1. nr of clicks (range 0:14) 2. response (1= "YES", 0=...
RodiX's user avatar
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Correlation between scale and categorical variable [duplicate]

I am trying to find the correlation or association between a categorical variable - classes from 1 -4 from a GIS (geographic information system) classification - and a continuous variable with values ...
Bee's user avatar
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5 votes
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Correlation between continuous and binary variables [duplicate]

Is there a way to check for correlation between a continuous variable (year of graduation) and a binary variable (yes/no--took a specific course) with n=85, particularly using SPSS? Our hypothesis is ...
Pamela Terrell's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Testing correlation between a Boolean and integer variable [duplicate]

I have data that looks like this: Is there a standard test that I can use to evaluate the correlation between the rank and Boolean attribute?
OregonTrail's user avatar
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Check correlation between dichotomous and continuous variable [duplicate]

I have a model in which I suspect two variables to may be related. However, one is a binary/dichotomous variable, while the other is a continous variable. What approach should be used to check if my ...
Denver Dang's user avatar
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Correlation between a continuous and multinomial variable [duplicate]

I would like to find the correlation between a continuous (dependent variable) and a categorical (multinomial) variable. I found that the appropriate test is Eta ($\eta$) coefficient, however, I haven'...
nora's user avatar
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Correlation between a categorical and a continuous (scale) variable [duplicate]

How can I find the correlation between a categorical (dependent) variable and a continuous-scale (independent) variable? Is a Kruskal Wallis test appropriate? I'm a little confused as my independent ...
Ach's user avatar
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Correlation metric for 0-1 vector and real values vector [duplicate]

I am looking for a right correlation metric to measure correlation between two vectors. The dimensionality of the vectors is around 100. The first vector has real values as the elements and the second ...
com's user avatar
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Pearson correlation binary vs continuous [duplicate]

I keep seeing that we can't use Pearson correlation for binary variables but I don't understand why. If instead of a binary response, I have multiple (>2) categories, then it's obvious - we are unsure ...
user3810441's user avatar
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Is there a measure of association for a nominal DV and an interval IV? [duplicate]

As part of a larger analysis, I'm interested in examining the relationship between an interval level variable and a four category nominal variable. In this case, the interval variable is the ...
Matt's user avatar
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Correlation with no numeric and numeric variable [duplicate]

Can someone enlighten me ? I know it's very basic but i'm really confused with how to make correlation with numeric AND non-numeric variable. I have a data.frame with multiple variables. Some of it ...
Moineau Maaka's user avatar
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Correlation analysis with dichotomous variables [duplicate]

Could correlation analysis with Pearson correlation or Spearman rank correlation be done between continuous variable and categorical dichotomous variable eg, presence or absence of hypertension? My ...
mohamed's user avatar
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How to find correlation between continuous variable and yes/no question? [duplicate]

I'm trying to find out if there is correlation between website clicks and sales. In order to do this, I'm trying to find the correlation between a nominal question (Yes and No) and a continuous ...
user358742's user avatar
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What is way to measure relationship between independent categorical variable on dependent variable (categorical/continuous)? [duplicate]

If both dependent and independent are continuous then we can find correlation and we know which column can be more influential. But if independent variable is categorical, how will i know how much it ...
dsl1990's user avatar
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Nonparametric Correlation with Dichotomous Variable [duplicate]

I have a continuous variable (total cholesterol mg/dl) and a dichotomous variable (gender). I want to see whether a relationship exists between the total cholesterol level and gender. The data is ...
Confused's user avatar

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