Linked Questions

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R's lm(), get x when y is known [duplicate]

Here is some data and a logarithmic model: df <- data.frame( x = 1:8, y = c(7.5,6,5.2,4.3,3.9,3.4,3.1,2.9) ) model <- lm(y ~ log(x), data = df) I am ...
Doug Fir's user avatar
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Regression vs Calibration [duplicate]

When reading on the wikipedia page of Calibration they said : " A reverse process to regression, where instead of a future dependent variable being predicted from known explanatory variables, a ...
Nizar's user avatar
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Errors-in-variables regression: is it valid to pool data from three sites?

I recently had a client come to me to do a bootstrap analysis because an FDA reviewer said that their errors-in-variables regression was invalid because when pooling data from sites the analysis ...
Michael R. Chernick's user avatar
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What is bias in aerosol data?

I was reading this information related to aerosol, especially aerosol optical depth of the MISR and MODIS instruments. I didn't actually get what bias means in the context of the AOT retrievals of ...
user34790's user avatar
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linear model, given y, calculate the confidence interval for x

I fit the model y = a + b * x. And 95% CI for estimates of a and b are (a1, a2), (b1, b2), respectively. If we have a new observation ...
OMG's user avatar
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How do I predict x values with confidence intervals from non-linear polynomial fit in R?

I have the following data.frame: ...
reubenmcg's user avatar
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Error propagation through a calibration curve

Say I have a linear fit given y = ax + b. I'm given Δa and Δb as 95% confidence intervals. I now have several measurements y1, y2, y3, ... etc, from which of course I can gather a mean, standard ...
preciseChemist's user avatar
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Test for comparing x-intercepts of two linear regression

I would like to know how to compare, and then calculate significant differences, if any, between the x-intercepts of two regression lines. Practically, I should compare the values of x when y=0. I ...
Alex ME's user avatar
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What is the error of my regression? [closed]

I'm conducting a polynomial of a third degree upon a diode measurement where Amplification was measured against Voltage. It's a very exponential behavior. However, I used the ...
Ben's user avatar
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Prediction Interval when independent variable has variance

Given an existing regression curve, how do I properly account for the known variance I have in some new value of X? If I had an observation $x_{new} = 700$ with a variance $\sigma_x^2 = 150$ then how ...
azabell's user avatar
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Regressing $x$ on $y$ for Count Data

Suppose I have data $x$ and $y$, where $x$ is a count and $y$ is continuous. I would like to predict $x$ from $y$. Specifically, for my research question, $X$ can be viewed as being measured without ...
compbiostats's user avatar
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Estimate at which point a linear model hits a certain value (including probabilities)

I have a simple 1D set of datapoints with a trend, I want to estimate at which point $X_t$ (i.e., at which point in the future) the model will hit a certain threshold $Y_t$: I can fit a trendline to ...
Raphael Roth's user avatar
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How to quantify prediction power?

I have data that is the result of measurements $f(x)$ at points $x$. These measurements fluctuate (call it noise), also differently for each $x$ so we have that $\sigma(x)$ are the fluctuations. By ...
user171780's user avatar
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Calculate when a time series will reach s specific value

I have a time series at day level granularity: Date. Value 2023-10-01 78945 2023-10-02 78990 2023-10-03 79005 2023-10-04 78999 ... While there are some ...
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