Linked Questions

3 votes
1 answer

Chosing optimal k and optimal distance-metric for k-means [duplicate]

I have a data-set with roughly 20-dimensions and millions of points which I want to cluster. The goal is to find a set of clusters which: Are as distinct as possible from each other (minimum ...
arielf's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Determining number of clusters K-means [duplicate]

I would like to automatically determine the number of clusters for K-means. I have read that elbow method could be used for that. The thing that confuses me is - I have to rerun algorithm while ...
Kobe-Wan Kenobi's user avatar
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How many clusters I should choose using spectral clustering? [duplicate]

I tried to cluster my data using spectral clustering algorithm. Before applying clustering algorithm, I used PCA on the data, which gave me 4 PC accounting for 95% of variation. After that I plotted ...
user27241's user avatar
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How do you infer the number of clusters in data using unsupervised learning? [duplicate]

Let's say you have a density plot of data in 2D (or even 1D). Surely there are algorithms which infer the number of clusters which exist in the data without users having to explicitly set this number (...
ShanZhengYang's user avatar
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How to optimize performance of cluster model without any ground truth? [duplicate]

I had a general question on what to do when no ground truth data is available and clustering is initiated. Are there still metrics which can indicate how good or bad the clustering worked on the "...
LaLaTi's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

how to determine the certain number of clusters your data contain? [duplicate]

I was wondering if I can find a certain way that show me the number of clusters my data has by its nature.I don't want to find the optimal number of clusters for clustering, I want to know the number ...
far's user avatar
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K-means : choose Optimum number of clusters based on graph [duplicate]

I've come into a situation where I dont understand How to choose the number of clusters. The WithinSS increases suddenly after 6. How/What do I interpret of this graph ? Background : I've applied PCA ...
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How to estimate the the optimal number of clusters in a dataset by Clustering quality measures? [duplicate]

How to estimate the the optimal number of clusters in a dataset by Clustering quality measures? I have four datasets iris,breast cancer, magic ,wine and yeast. All the datasets are taken from UCI ...
Parashara Ramsees's user avatar
0 votes
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automatic determination of the correct number of required clusters in text mining using R [duplicate]

I performed text clustering using k-mean method. ...
psysky's user avatar
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1 vote
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K Means and controlling cluster count [duplicate]

I am working on a problem of unsupervised classification. The data samples are fairly random. Unfortunately, I don't have the luxury of specifying the number of clusters. I would like to use some ...
Sharanbr's user avatar
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63 votes
3 answers

How to select a clustering method? How to validate a cluster solution (to warrant the method choice)?

One of the biggest issue with cluster analysis is that we may happen to have to derive different conclusion when base on different clustering methods used (including different linkage methods in ...
Learner's user avatar
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14 votes
9 answers

Visualization software for clustering

I want to cluster ~22000 points. Many clustering algorithms work better with higher quality initial guesses. What tools exist that can give me a good idea of the rough shape of the data? I do want to ...
11 votes
1 answer

Elbow criteria to determine number of cluster

It is mentioned here that one of the methods to determine the optimal number of clusters in a data-set is the "elbow method". Here the percentage of variance is calculated as the ratio of the between-...
Learner's user avatar
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20 votes
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How to define number of clusters in K-means clustering?

Is there any way to determine the optimal cluster number or should I just try different values and check the error rates to decide on the best value?
berkay's user avatar
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4 votes
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How do you find a cutting point / strong slope within one-dimensional data

I have one-dimensional data. I want to find possible natural cutting points (strong slopes) within the data. For instance, if the data is ...
rmuc8's user avatar
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