Linked Questions

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What is the probability of $P(X>Y>0)$ where $X$ and $Y$ standard normal distribution with correlation $\rho$?

What I have done is use Cholesky decompostion to get $X = \rho X^{1} + \sqrt{1 - \rho^2}X^{2}$ and $Y = X^{1}$ where $X^{1}$ and $X^{2}$ are independent standard normal. Then $$ \begin{aligned} P(...
Zhihao Xu's user avatar
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Multivariate normal distribution conditional variance independent of value of the given vector

$$\Sigma_{1,2}=\Sigma_{1,1}-\Sigma_{1,2}\Sigma_{22}^{-1}\Sigma_{2,1}$$ $$\mu_{1,2}=\mu_1+\Sigma_{1,2}\Sigma_{2,2}^{-1}(x_2-\mu_2)$$ This indicates that conditional variance of multivariate normal ...
ZHU's user avatar
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How to derive the covariance matrix from a rotated ellipse?

I'd like to derive the covariance matrix that defines a given ellipse. Information I have: length of major axis $\lambda_1$ length of minor axis $\lambda_2$ angle of rotation of the ellipse is $\...
CJR's user avatar
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PCA with principal(): no rotation, varimax rotation, and oblimin rotation all give same results

I ran PCA with the principal() function of the psych package on some data with 2 variables and 15 observations . I ran PCA thrice, first with no rotation, then with the varimax rotation, and lastly ...
Dicky's user avatar
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What can regression slope tell us about the p-value and the overall utility of the model?

I am in the process of building a strong understanding of what I believe is the conceptual basis of linear regression. One thing that I am struggling with is what is the relationship between ...
Caban's user avatar
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Conditional expectation given sum of weighted average

Suppose X, Y are i.i.d standard normal (mean 0, standard deviation 1) random variables, a, b, c are constant scalars. $$Z = a X + b Y$$ How to express $E[X|Z=c]$ using $a,b,c$?
Tony's user avatar
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Draw line through 2d density plot

have a large dataset of gene expression from ~10,000 patient samples (TCGA), and I'm plotting a predicted expression value (x) and the actual observed value (y) of a certain gene signature. For my ...
user3579613's user avatar
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How can PCA maximise variance after I standardise all predictor variance = 1?

I have been reading about Principal Components Analysis, and I think it is in general trying to extract as much "variance" out of the predictors $ \vec{X} = (X_1, X_2, ..., X_n)$ by ...
user523384's user avatar
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Rationale for elliptical region of correlations in gene expression data

I am analysing an RNA seq data set and I am trying to look at correlation between expression values of significant genes in 4 different biological duplicates and their clinical parameters. Here, I ...
Juliette Leon's user avatar
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Calculate number of "exceptions" to correlation

My question: Is there a formula to calculate analytically the expected number of "exceptions" which the simulator generates, as explained in the passage below? For most of my adult life I've been ...
Pearson's Are's user avatar
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Computing principal components of a bivariate normal distribution

Given a bivariate normal distribution $N(0, \Sigma)$ with $\Sigma=\begin{pmatrix}1 & \rho \\ \rho & 1 \end{pmatrix}$ and $\rho > 0$ I want to compute the principal components vector $Y$ ...
Peter's user avatar
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conditional expectation of iid $X,Y$ cubic sum

Let $X$ and $Y$ i.i.d standardized normally distributed random variables. Calculate the conditional expectation of : $$ \mathbb{E}[(X+Y)^{3} | \mathscr{G}] $$ where $\mathscr{G} = \sigma(X)$ ($\sigma$...
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extract distribution of y for point x given lm of y~x

If I have two variables x and y that have a linear relationship e.g. using data from the mtcars package and R code ...
Robert Hickman's user avatar
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Did Auguste Bravais really derive the mathematical definition of Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient?

The wikipedia pages on Auguste Bravais,Karl Pearson, the Pearson correlation coefficient,and Francis Galton all cite the following book: Bravais, A (1846). "Analyse mathématique sur les ...
Galen's user avatar
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Conditional distribution of multivariate cauchy distribution

In the example of multivariate normal distribution, $$ \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{x}_1 \\ \mathbf{x}_2 \end{bmatrix} \sim \mathcal{N}\left(\begin{bmatrix} \mu_1 \\ \mu_2 \end{bmatrix}, \begin{...
user331385's user avatar

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