Linked Questions

4 votes
2 answers

Confidence interval for proportion assuming binomial distribution when observed proportion is exactly 1 (or 0) [duplicate]

I have a simulation (a set of 200 iterations) which I used to compute a confidence interval for average statistical power. In binomial approximation, I know that the standard error is computed as $\...
Dovini Jayasinghe's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Calculating Confidence Intervals when proportion is skewed [duplicate]

I have 15,000 address strings which I have written a piece of code which assigns them to broad geographic region e.g. American address assigned to North America. I would like to check the accuracy of ...
Sean_C's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Confidence interval of the proportion in case of 0 [duplicate]

I am trying to estimate the (say 95%) confidence interval of a proportion. For instance, I want to estimate how many students will take a particular course next year. There are N1 students in total. I ...
mommomonthewind's user avatar
1 vote
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How to calculate a standard deviation given a sample proportion of 0? [duplicate]

I'm conducting a meta-analysis, and some of the studies that I have included only report the number of occurrences of the event of interest without an accompanying standard deviation. As such, I am ...
Keshav's user avatar
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how to estimate confidence interval when p is close to 0 for binomial distribution? [duplicate]

I was trying to get confidence interval for $\hat{p}$. However, the estimated p in the population is close to zero. So I am wondering how I can calculate the confidence interval when p is that small? (...
AI2.0's user avatar
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Understanding the Coverage Probability of a Coin Toss [duplicate]

Suppose there is a coin where the probability of success if 0.63. Let's say that I flip this coin 100 times and record the results (e.g. Mean, Standard Deviation and 95% Confidence Interval based on ...
stats_noob's user avatar
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Statistical question - conditional probability [duplicate]

I would like to ask below question: i am trying to detect a kind of event by experiments, i repeat the experiment for 21 times, but no event of interest occurred. My quesiton is based on current ...
East Liu's user avatar
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Evaluate the probability of my experiment being deteministic AKA what tis the chance of something which has never happened happening? [duplicate]

Short version Imagine I run the exact same experiment $n$ independent times and get $n$ times the same result. Can you put a lower bound on the probability of getting the same result the $n+1$ time I ...
Amxx's user avatar
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58 votes
9 answers

How to tell the probability of failure if there were no failures?

I was wondering if there is a way to tell the probability of something failing (a product) if we have 100,000 products in the field for 1 year and with no failures? What is the probability that one of ...
melonfresh's user avatar
64 votes
4 answers

Confidence interval for Bernoulli sampling

I have a random sample of Bernoulli random variables $X_1 ... X_N$, where $X_i$ are i.i.d. r.v. and $P(X_i = 1) = p$, and $p$ is an unknown parameter. Obviously, one can find an estimate for $p$: $\...
user avatar
24 votes
7 answers

Statistical fallacy from a Japanese light novel

The following is a snippet of dialogue from the first volume of the Japanese light novel series Combatants Will Be Dispatched: "Listen here, number 6. This teleportation machine hasn't failed ...
夏目漱石's user avatar
24 votes
2 answers

Mother milk of 6 Corona-positive (COVID-19) women does not contain the virus - can we make a confidence statement about this?

I am asking this question because I believe it would be great if the statistics community could make a contribution to solving this serious puzzle until more evidence is available. The UK Royal ...
tomka's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

ML estimate of exponential distribution (with censored data)

In Survival Analysis, you assume the survival time of a r.v. $X_i$ to be exponentially distributed. Considering now that I have $x_1,\dots,x_n$ "outcomes" of i.i.d r.v.'s $X_i$. Only some proportion ...
Good Guy Mike's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Should point estimates for a parameter always be exactly in the middle of their 95% CI or does it depend on the distribution? [duplicate]

I'm modelling some count data using negative binomial regression with glm.nb in R. I've noticed that my point estimates are quite consistently not at the midpoint of the 95% CIs and wondering if this ...
Anthony Fish Hodgson's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Calculating 95% CI of a proportion of 0%

I have a sample of 72 individuals. 0 of these had the trait I'm investigating. How do I calculate the 95% CI when the proportion is 0%?
Rebekka's user avatar
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