Linked Questions

2 votes
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Polynomial regression multicollinearity assumption? [duplicate]

The difference between Linear regression and Polynomial regression is that in the last we manipulate our original explanatory ...
Carlos Muradyan's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Conflicting p-values of regressors in simple regression vs multiple regression? [duplicate]

Consider the results of the following code. ...
ManUtdBloke's user avatar
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Why, intuitively, does redundancy in a multiple linear regression increase the standard error of the partial regression coefficients? [duplicate]

In his book "Applied Multiple Regression/Correlation Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences", J. Cohen says that redundancy in the independent variables of a multiple regression model increases the ...
AlphaOmega's user avatar
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Dissertation Results. X and Y non-correlation, but then X significantly predictive in regression model. Why? [duplicate]

I just finished my dissertation results and trying to interpret them and very confused. Basically, X and Y are not correlated but then when I put X in my regression model with a few other variables X ...
Kay's user avatar
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Why are the standard errors of these two outputs so different? [duplicate]

Context of the question: Two professors want to look at the effect of students’ high school math marks on their marks in their first calculus course. All marks are between 0 and 100. Using data from ...
Phlorpy's user avatar
73 votes
2 answers

Is there a difference between 'controlling for' and 'ignoring' other variables in multiple regression?

The coefficient of an explanatory variable in a multiple regression tells us the relationship of that explanatory variable with the dependent variable. All this, while 'controlling' for the other ...
Siddharth Gopi's user avatar
50 votes
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How to interpret coefficients from a polynomial model fit?

I'm trying to create a second order polynomial fit to some data I have. Let's say I plot this fit with ggplot(): ...
user13907's user avatar
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22 votes
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When can we speak of collinearity

In linear models we need to check if a relationship exists among the explanatory variables. If they correlate too much then there is collinearity (i.e., the variables partly explain each other). I am ...
Stefan's user avatar
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9 votes
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Does introduction of new variable always increase the p-val of existing ones?

I am doing some work that requires some estimates of gasoline oil demand elasticity on certain countries. After doing various econometric measures such as instrumental variable, I was able to get ...
The One's user avatar
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3 votes
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Visualising uncertainty in slope and offset for a regression line?

According to a least squares fit I have performed to my data, my slope is $-0.1038±0.033$, and my offset $0.1065±0.032$. My first idea was to visualise this by drawing three lines: $0.1065-0.1038x$, $...
gerrit's user avatar
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81 votes
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How can a regression be significant yet all predictors be non-significant? [duplicate]

My multiple regression analysis model has a statistically significant F value however all beta values are statistically non-significant. All the regression assumptions are met. No multicollinearity ...
Serene's user avatar
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Correlations between explanatory variables in regression

I'm just starting to learn about linear regression models and time series analysis and came upon the following doubt. Suppose we have a variable $Y$ that we're trying to model using $p$ explanatory ...
Spine Feast's user avatar
3 votes
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Modelling explanatory variables which depend on each other

I'm trying to estimate the value of an apartment, by doing a regression through similar apartments. The regression model looks now like this ...
Paul's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Effect of combining predictor variables in a regression model

Let's say I first run a linear regression model Sales = f(TV Spend, Digital Spend). Now I add TV Spend and Digital Spend and run the second model. My second model is Sales = f(TV Spend+Digital Spend)...
Sharath G's user avatar
5 votes
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Why one result is so wide in this logistic multiple regession

I am doing multiple logistic regression with data with 24 predictor variables and 193 rows. All predictor variables have values of 0 or 1 and outcome variables (OUTVAR) also has only 2 possibilities. ...
rnso's user avatar
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