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Deriving the values of the range around the mean value

This is part of a bigger quantitative reasoning assignment I was working on. My understanding here is that the upper bound and lower bound of the ranges for each of the exercises should be reflected ...
Prashin Jeevaganth's user avatar
15 votes
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Is meta-analysis of odds ratios essentially hopeless?

In a recent paper Norton et al. (2018)$^{[2]}$ state that Different odds ratios from the same study cannot be compared when the statistical models that result in odds ratio estimates have different ...
COOLSerdash's user avatar
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Adjusting OR for confounding variable with non linear interaction

I have looked for similar cases but couldn't really find the answer to my question. I want to assess the impact (with an OR in logistic regression) of a predictor X1 on a binary response variable Y ...
Esculape's user avatar
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Adjusted Odds Ratios

I'm reading an article where the AOR was computed after adjusting for confounders; when I calculated the OR it was lower than the AOR presented in the article. Why did the AOR increase? I thought it ...
Hoda Barhoush's user avatar
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How to "statistically adjust" for variables? [duplicate]

I've been trying to understand what means "statistically adjusted" when comparing two variables. For example, when computing the odds ratio for a death after surgery in two hospitals, we compute the ...
makansij's user avatar
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Converting Adjusted Odds Ratios to its RR counterpart

I am doing a meta-analysis of studies which reported their estimates sometimes as OR and sometimes as RR. I wanted to convert the OR to RR, so that I can pool them together. I know that I can use this ...
Amirhossein Modabbernia's user avatar