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An contradictory negative edge

Recently I have conducted a experiment exploring the relationship between stress and mind wandering (MW). When I analyzed the data via SPSS, I found an unexpected negative edge between two variables. ...
Gangyuan's user avatar
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Unequal sample sizes in 2x2 between-subjects ANOVA

I have a 2x2 between-subjects design consisting of Gender (Male, Female), and Relationship status (Married, Single). The DV is completion of a certain behaviour (Yes, No). I plan to use SPSS. I plan ...
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Should I use a repeated measures MANOVA or several repeated measures ANOVAs?

I'm doing a randomised controlled trial, it has four dependant variables each measured at three time points. The data is normally distributed. My question is how to analyse this. I'm wondering whether ...
TeddyTedTed's user avatar
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what type of research design should I choose?

I am trying to do a research proposal where I planned on doing a pretest-posttest experiment on 2-3 groups of subjects (measure baseline indicators of anxiety, depression, self-esteem, body ...
Irina M.'s user avatar
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What is the correct way to add and analyse covariates in a 2x3 Mixed ANOVA in SPSS

I am trying to analyze whether different intervention groups scored differently in questionnaire measures before and after an intervention. The first independent variable is time at 2 levels (pre-...
Nick's user avatar
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What type of ANOVA? Three types of measurement in 2 groups

I am working on an assignment where I am expected to use an ANOVA test to analyse a set of data. The data set consists of two groups, the first group is a healthy group of participants, group 2 have ...
Alex's user avatar
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