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5 votes
3 answers

ANOVA with unreliable measure

I’m doing some literature review on sports science, in particular the effect of training on endurance. There is no standard endurance tests. Some consist in intermittent contractions until exhaustion ...
Experience111's user avatar
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Group comparison with multiple group memberships

I want to statistically compare personality scores between different groups, but people can be in multiple groups. Is there anything problematic in just doing an ANOVA or a t-test since a respondent ...
Tim's user avatar
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ANOVA three group test is significant but the difference is small

I have three individuals with 50 measurements of walking movement. The measurements have been transformed to be normally distributed. I applied a one way ANOVA, and it showed that the three groups are ...
Shivvy's user avatar
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Statistical test to determine if a variable is significantly positive or significantly negative?

Is there is a single statistical test I could do that would allow me to determine if a variable is significantly positive or significantly negative? By significantly positive or negative, I mean that ...
John Alperto's user avatar
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How can you test which groups are in different distributions? [closed]

Let's say I have a some grouped data and I want to tell not only if the groups are all from the same distribution or not, but I also want to tell which groups are part of which distributions. ANOVAs ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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Conclusion on which groups differ without doing post-hoc test

If you do a statistical test that compares groups and find a significant difference between groups, can you then conclude that there is a difference between the "lowest" group and the "highest" group, ...
broccoli's user avatar
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correct statistic method

I would like to ask about correct statistic method. We did an observation of wild population animals in a specific place. We observed that species tend to group differently. We created a 5 size ...
Michaela Holubová's user avatar
2 votes
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What test of significance should I use to analyse visits to a clinic by various groups?

Apologies for the noob question. After a day on Google and Wikipedia I still can't quite work out what to do. So here I am. A small private healthcare clinic in the UK has asked me to look at their ...
ukosteopath's user avatar
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How can I compare the effect of an pre-post intervention between two groups with multiple numeric dependent variables?

I have collected data from two groups (age 25-30, age 30+). In each group I have 10 patients. I performed several medical tests (i.e., R.B.C, Liver test, etc.) on the patients, before and after ...
Bioinformatics's user avatar