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What to do in a multinomial logistic regression when all levels of DV are of interest?

I am running a multinomial logistic regression. The outcome variable is categorical with seven levels. The predictor is binary. Very briefly, the experiment is such that I am asking whether a ...
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Interpreting when a regression coefficient is significant

Consider the following regression model: $y_i=\beta_1+\beta_2x_{i,2}+\beta_3x_{i,3}+\beta_4x_{i,2}x_{i,3}+\epsilon_i,$ where $\epsilon_i\sim N(0,\sigma^2).$ Here, $x_2$ is binary variable $$X_2 = \...
user232597's user avatar
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Interpretation of linear regreassion output when one categorical variable is represented as several dummies

I have a question regarding the interpretation of a linear regression output. In my data I have one independent categorical variable (condition) with five values which I represented as four dummy ...
user9397006's user avatar
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Interpreting categorical variables with reference level in linear model

I wonder how should I report the results of categorical variables with reference level in linear model? The response variable of my model is Duration (time taken to reach 25C for an animal model). My ...
Sammi 's user avatar