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Stata Logit Model: Dummy Interaction With/Without Dropping Intercept vs Sub-Group Odds Ratio

Regarding data, there are three binary variables: trt(0,1), fail(0,1), and female(0,1). For sub-group analysis (male vs. female), I am running typical 2x2 treatment vs. failure tables separately for ...
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Interaction term gender interpretation stata

Hi, I have a hard time interpreting these coefficients in collum 2. So my dependent variable is if you have a supervisory job yes=1 and my independent variables are female=1 and traditional values=1....
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When should I use contrast coding?

I have a - so I guess - a simple question: I am using Stata 13 and I am running a Tobit model to understand differences in firm performance. Among others, I am controling for firm types $T_i$- i.e. ...
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