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Applying k-means over PCA

I have a dataset containing 20 columns and 200 rows. This is an unlabeled dataset and I applied PCA to this dataset for dimensionality reduction. After successfully using PCA, I received a dataset ...
Krishna's user avatar
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What is the best k in kmeans clustering [duplicate]

I did clustering on a dataset of real-world patients and since the best way to choose the amount of clusters in KMeans clustering is Elbow method and the Silhouette method, I conducted those two and ...
HelloWorld's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to compare the distributions of variables within clusters?

I used K-means to cluster 15k data points composed of 5 quantitative features scaled between 0 and 1. I would like to compare the distributions of the features within each cluster, and also compare ...
Karl Alexius's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Normalization/Standarization for Clustering visualization

I'm performing visualization of a dataset clustered with k-means. I compute a weight for each cluster and I draw a circle as big as its weight. But it seems like after the clustering some values are ...
bones.felipe's user avatar
2 votes
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Interpret the visualization of k-mean clusters

Following my posted data here, I conducted a k-mean clustering analysis. I refereed to this post: How to produce a pretty plot of the results of k-means cluster analysis? for the clusters ...
enaJ's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Difference between PCA and spectral clustering for a small sample set of Boolean features

I have a dataset of 50 samples. Each sample is composed of 11 (possibly correlated) Boolean features. I would like to some how visualize these samples on a 2D plot and examine if there are clusters/...
user2602740's user avatar
4 votes
7 answers

Comparing k-means results to original data: how to interpret the resulting plots?

I'm running k-means on my dataset that can be found here that has 7 classes. I plotted the ggpairs for the dataset and then took k-means and plotted ggpairs again ...
birdy's user avatar
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9 votes
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Understanding cluster plot and component variability

I have run k-means clustering. I have also plotted the results using the following code in R: ...
shakthydoss's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Interpretation of NbClust result

The plots show the output of NbClust(). By looking at the plot, is that correct to say that k=5 is the optimal number of ...
user45387's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

K-Means Clustering - Calculating Euclidean distances in a multiple variable dataset

I have just completed a simple exercise with 2 variables (X and Y) to understand how K-Means clustering works. The results look like this, My questions is, if I have another column Z, how should the ...
rilakkuma's user avatar
26 votes
3 answers

Visually plotting multi dimensional cluster data

I have a data set with 16 variables, and after clustering by kmeans, I wish to plot the two groups. What plots do you suggest to visually represent the two clusters?
DJ_'s user avatar
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