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Applying k-means over PCA

I have a dataset containing 20 columns and 200 rows. This is an unlabeled dataset and I applied PCA to this dataset for dimensionality reduction. After successfully using PCA, I received a dataset ...
Krishna's user avatar
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Unsupervised methods for a dataset that contains ordinal categorical variables casted as numerical

I'm fairly new to statistical learning. At the moment, I'm using the EU-SILC dataset to analyse the factors that determine the French income (x). It can be found here:
Zachary's user avatar
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How to plot categories after clustering

I am trying to plot the categories I have obtained via DBSCAN on a 30-dimensional dataset 12 categories, and I want to visualize them in a 2d plot. My procedure was to reduce that 30-dimensional ...
astro_xyz's user avatar
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Double zeroes problem with euclidean distance and abundance data - is the problem widely varying abundances or mutually missing taxa?

Background: I have data from a study of trailside and forest interior transects, where half my transects are on-trail and half in the forest. The data is in the form of raw species abundances, ...
RukiyaMeria's user avatar
2 votes
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How does Principal Component Analysis help me understand my data?

I have a dataset which contains 10000 examples. Each example has 100 dimensions. These dimensions have the same scale. I clustered all examples using their 100-dimensional vectors and drew the elbow ...
Munichong's user avatar
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Difference between PCA and spectral clustering for a small sample set of Boolean features

I have a dataset of 50 samples. Each sample is composed of 11 (possibly correlated) Boolean features. I would like to some how visualize these samples on a 2D plot and examine if there are clusters/...
user2602740's user avatar
9 votes
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Understanding cluster plot and component variability

I have run k-means clustering. I have also plotted the results using the following code in R: ...
shakthydoss's user avatar
8 votes
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Interpret clustering plotted in the first two principal components

I got this plot when I plotted a clustering object in R. If I run km <- clara(data, 2), then plot(km), I get a similar plot. ...
darkage's user avatar
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Interpretation of PCA biplot?

I just ran my first ever PCA, so please excuse any naivety on my part. As input, I used five years worth of the following: S&P/ASX 200 A-REIT S&P/ASX 200 Consumer Discretionary S&P/ASX ...
CuriousCat's user avatar
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Appropriateness of PCA to visualize clusters in genetic data

I've seen PCA improperly applied in genetic research quite often. I wanted to clarify : when is it appropriate to use PCA as a visualization tool in your analysis? Some examples: 1) Rarely is the % ...
user4673's user avatar
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Dimensionality reduction technique to maximize separation of known clusters?

So let's say I have a bunch of data points in R^n, where n is pretty big (like, 50). I know this data falls into 3 clusters, and I know which cluster each data point is a part of. All I want to do is ...
dmonner's user avatar
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