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Normalization/standardization impact on T-SNE and K-means

I have a dataset of 20K samples on 27 features that I am trying to cluster with k-means. The dataset is in its majority rather sparse, i.e. 98% of samples have a single nonzero value in one of its ...
Seifbb's user avatar
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Meaningful to retrieve original value after standardization using clustering

I already referred these posts here and here. Currently, I am working on customer segmentation using their purchase data. So, my data has below info for each customer Based on the above linked posts ...
The Great's user avatar
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Interpretation of Cluster Distortion on Normalized data

I have a clustering problem which I solved using KMeans clustering. I also know that the Elbow Method for cluster evaluation can be used to approximate a feasible pick for the number of clusters. I ...
Bjarke Kingo's user avatar
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K-means classifies 96% of my data in 1 cluster. Any suggestions to improve the results?

Problem: K-Means clustering shows 96% of my data belongs to one cluster. How can I improve my results or should I conclude that no cluster exists in my dataset. Dbscan clustering shows 1 cluster ...
sv_noname's user avatar
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K-means clustering scaling

I have a data set of 70 stores with a sales column (ranging from 50M to 70M) and 39 other features, like age group, income categories etc. I need to find the clusters based off of these metrics. A ...
Pearly's user avatar
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Normalization/Standarization for Clustering visualization

I'm performing visualization of a dataset clustered with k-means. I compute a weight for each cluster and I draw a circle as big as its weight. But it seems like after the clustering some values are ...
bones.felipe's user avatar
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normalisation in k means clustering on percentages and other numerical variables

I have several variables to include in k-means, some of them are percentages (between 0-1) and some of them are numerical variables (positive values). I know normalisation is required when the ...
goyiki's user avatar
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Use a combination of grand mean and group mean centering to standardize variables

I'm using cluster analysis to examine profiles of three variables, X1, X2, and X3. Because ...
Joshua Rosenberg's user avatar
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How to perform Normalization on Call Details Record to perform k-Mean Clustering

I'm new to data mining and currently doing mining project on telecom customer segmentation (based on profile and call details record). I have gender, age, call time and call duration and have to ...
nKandel's user avatar
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Are mean normalization and feature scaling needed for k-means clustering?

What are the best (recommended) pre-processing steps before performing k-means?
pedrosaurio's user avatar
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