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Spinograms vs. conditional densityplots

I have a binary response variable (hail) and multiple continuous predictor variables. My aim is to understand the linear/non-linear relationship of the predictors to the response to be able to justify ...
pat-s's user avatar
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Conditional Distribution of Multivariate Gaussian given Linear Inequalities

Consider a multivariate Gaussian $Y\sim\mathcal{N}(\mu,\Sigma)$ of dimension $n$. For fixed $c\in\mathbb{R}^n, A\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$ and $c\in\mathbb{R^m}$, what is the conditional distribution ...
user278486's user avatar
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Questions about the conditional Radon-Nikodym derivative

Let $(\Omega, \mathcal{A}, \mathbb{P})$ be a probability space and $X:(\Omega, \mathcal{A})\rightarrow (\mathcal{X}, \mathcal{F})$ and $Y:(\Omega, \mathcal{A})\rightarrow (\mathcal{Y}, \mathcal{G})$ ...
guest1's user avatar
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min/max and probability distributions

We have two identically distributed, independent, uniform variables on interval $[0,1]$ : $X_{1}$, $X_{2}$. And $Y_{1}=\max(X_{1},X_{2})$, $Y_{2}=\min(X_{1},X_{2})$. I want to find distribution $f(y_{...
mokebe's user avatar
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Calculating PDF conditioned on event

I'm confused about problems where we calculate a PDF conditioned on an event. Consider this simple problem: We have two random variables, X and Y, X is uniformly distributed on [a,b], and Y is uniform ...
MohammadAli Zeraatkar's user avatar
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Would this way of evaluating this probability be correct?

Suppose I have a discrete variable $S_t$ and a continuous variable $X_t$. Further, suppose I wish to evaluate $P(S_t=s_t)$. Would the below derivations be correct? \begin{align} P(S_t=s_t)&=\int P(...
Carl's user avatar
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Conditional Density Function on Underlying Exponential

Problem Statement: Suppose $Y_1, Y_2,\dots, Y_n$ are a random sample from an exponential distribution with mean $\theta.$ Let $\displaystyle U=\sum_{i=1}^n Y_i.$ Find the conditional density function ...
Adrian Keister's user avatar
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joint and conditional density function

Let $f(x,y,z)$ be the joint density function. I found a reference that this joint density can be written as $f(x,y,z) = f_1(x|y,z)f_2(y|z)f_3(z)$ I'm wondering if there are alternative forms to ...
user0131's user avatar
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Conditional Probability involving condition on two RVs

Suppose X,Y~exp(2) and are independent. Let W=X+Y. How do I set up integrals to calculate the following: f(W|X>Y) E(W|X>Y) Thanks!
Michael's user avatar
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bivariate conditional joint sensor model

I am struggling to find $P\left( V_t | z \right)$ from $P\left( V_t | z , V_p \right)$. Here $z$ and $V_p$ are independent variables. ...
Onur Kadem's user avatar
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Changing a conditional probability to a deterministic function

Suppose that we have a conditional density function $p(y|x;\theta^*)$, where $\theta^*$ represents distribution parameters and are assumed to be deterministic. Is it possible that we write this ...
KRL's user avatar
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How to integrate out a continuous r.v. from a mixed joint density

Say I have a continuous variable $C \sim N(0, 1)$, which was observed in a few points: obsC <- seq(-1.5, 1.5, by = 1) I also have a discrete variable $D \in \{...
Waldir Leoncio's user avatar
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conditional PDF bivariated Birnbaum Saunders

According to theorem 3.1 of this article here, If $(T_{1},T_{2})\sim BVBS(\alpha_{1},\beta_{1},\alpha_{2},\beta_{2},\rho),$ then: The conditional PDF of $T_{1},$ given $T_{2}=t_{2},$ is given by: $$...
fsbmat's user avatar
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Determining Distribution for Conditional Probability

I have that the conditional probability density of $Y|X$ is as such $f_{Y | X} \propto x^{y - 1}(1-x)^{n-y-1}\alpha^{n-y}\beta^{y}$ where $\alpha, \beta$ are constants in $(0, 1)$, $x$ is a random ...
Squarepeg's user avatar
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Conditioning once or twice?

Let's say we have two random variables $Z \in \mathcal{Z}$ and $X \in \mathcal{X}$ with joint density $p_{Z,X}(z,x)$ with respect to a base measure. The density is assumed to factor as $$ p_{Z,X}(z,x) ...
PAM's user avatar
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Converting an integral into a probability of some event

Suppose that $X_1, X_2, .....X_n$ are iid random variables from some continuous distribution $F$. Show that $$\int_0^{\infty}(1-F(s+t))f(s)ds=\mathbb{P}(X_1>X_2+t, X_2>0)$$ $$$$Consider the ...
user671269's user avatar
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Derive E[Y|X] when the joint probability is given

Now, consider joint density of $X, Y$ : $$ f_{X, Y}(x, y)=\left\{\begin{array}{l} \frac{1}{\pi} ; X^2+Y^2<1 \\ 0 ; \text { Otherwise } \end{array}\right. $$ Derive $E(Y \mid X)$. I know how to ...
Cabbage Roll's user avatar
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Conditional Density Of Independent Bernoulli Random Variables Given Their Sum

Let Yi's be m independent Bernoulli random variables with corresponding success probabilities pi's, and let S = sum of Yi's. I am trying to figure out a way to find the given conditional probability, ...
Ashu's user avatar
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decomposition of joint density of multiple variables

I'm considering an EM algorithm of correlated random effects model $y_{it} = \beta x_{it} + \mu_i + \varepsilon_{it},(i=1,...,n;t=1,...,T)$ where $y_{it}$ and $x_{it}$ are observed, but $\mu_i$ and $\...
user0131's user avatar
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Conditional density under conditional indepencence?

Let $X,Y,Z$ three random variables such that the joint density can be factorized as $$f(x,y,z) = f(x \mid z) f(y\mid z) f(z).$$ This is, I am assuming conditional independence of $X$ and $Y$ given $Z$....
Dense's user avatar
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Compute $E(X_1|X_1+X_2)$ $X_1, X_2$ both iid $Exponential(1)$

I recently stumbled across this question on CV: Conditional expectation conditional on exponential random variable And really liked the answer provided by @Rush, but I wanted to try to compute this ...
StatCurious's user avatar
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Is the following integral of a pdf an identity, i.e. always true?

I am reading a paper and the author starts a proof with this $$ p(\hat{R}|R) = \int p(\hat{R},\theta|R)d\theta $$ p is the density function. Is this something that is always true? Can you help me ...
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