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Question about the effects of cardinality changing on the model's training

I'm analyzing a dataset that contains a feature 'street_name' with 5980 unique values. I used the LeaveOneOutEncoder class for encoding, but I noticed that the cardinality reduced a lot. There are now ...
Antonio Caipora's user avatar
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Regression predictor from count of categorical variables?

Let's say I have the following strings and associated target variables: ...
SuperCodeBrah's user avatar
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OLS model specification that includes all dummy variables with a predetermined coefficient

I'm working with a OLS model that includes dummy variables (quarters of year). Here's what I would specify it: $$y = \beta X + \gamma_1Q_1 + \gamma_2Q_2 + \gamma_3Q_3 + \epsilon$$ However, in the ...
NonSleeper's user avatar
3 votes
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Measure the distribution shift of categorical variables

In the model performance monitoring stage, if you want to measure the change of a distribution of a numerical variable, Population Stability Index can be used. But ...
Jiayu Zhang's user avatar
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Encode multiple values of an attributes in Pandas

I have a dataset and one of the attributes of the dataset is Race. People have multiple races on the dataset. The values for the attribute Race are following ...
Encipher's user avatar
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why use dummies and not different integers for categorical data? [duplicate]

I am new to stats and I want to use a regression to determine income See below table example age class location income 23 Adult London 23000 44 Adult Glasgow 45000 75 Senior Birmingham 37000 12 ...
user06931912's user avatar
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Framework for applying weights to binary variables in regression

Say I am training a ridge regression model on nothing but binary variables. The context being that each variable represents a player - a value of 1 meaning they were playing the game at the time, ...
Machetes0602's user avatar
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Is it important to convert numeric features to object if they have no ordinal or mathematical meaning?

For example a column containing numeric values for phone area code or a postal code. In case it matters, I am preprocessing data for use in a tree-based ensemble classifier.
gsm113's user avatar
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How to decide n_componets in HashEncoding

I want to predict salary for each person depending on the job_roles, Technical skills. Column job_roles have 1500 unique roles. There is a column Technical skills (which have combination of skills) I ...
10sha25's user avatar
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It is possible to use regression to measure the correlation between a continuous variable and a dummy variable?

I have 3 columns: one column is a continuous variable (e.g., age) and the other two columns represent dummy variables with values 1 and 0 (yes/no). What kind of regression do I have to use to measure ...
DOMEC's user avatar
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What dummy variables to set for US state-and-year Differences-in-Differences model

As a sort of personal experiment, I'm trying to run a differences-in-differences (DiD) model on US state-level firearms restrictions and violent crime, to see if changes in the former impact the ...
Demosthenes's user avatar
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Label-encoding nominal variables

I am aware of the practice that label encoding is preferred for ordinal variables while ...
Amit Pathak's user avatar
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Modeling with Multiple Values per Variable, per Observation

I'm attempting to develop an autoencoder on top of medical claims data that have mutliple values per category because a claim often has multiple lines associated with it. For example, let's say (but ...
bshelt141's user avatar
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OneHotEncoding and Scaler in Pipeline, avoid data leak?

so I have my data and split it in the beginning in test and train set. Then I apply following Pipelines on it: ...
tuxmania's user avatar
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Can one do one-hot encoding with Count Vectorizer?

I am new to machine learning. I am stuck with a doubt about whether we could do one-hot encoding using bag of words (e.g. scikit-learn's CountVectorizer)?
user7676's user avatar
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Dealing with over 1000 categorical values (which are also a unique identifiers)

I am preparing my dataset for a logistic regression and need to check how best to handle a column with categorical values. As the dataset is for sales transactions, the column in question is the ...
tristar8's user avatar
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Interpretation of categorical variable coefficients in Linear Regression using sklearn's OneHotEncoder

I'm getting a little confused: when it comes to explaining the interpretation of coefficients of dummy variables in ML, all the sources say that one category is the reference level (i.e. 0) while the ...
djoVanCooper's user avatar
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In a Dataset with many categorical columns what should be preferred -One Hot encoding or Label encoding when doing regression?

Suppose my Dataset for automobiles has a feature 'Number of cylinders' with labels 'One','Two'..(Strings) as categories,what should be preferred label encoding or One hot encoder?
Akhil Sharma's user avatar
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What is the best way to handle ordinal features having numeric values in python? [closed]

What is the best way to encode ordinal feature? Is it by transforming it using OneHotEncoder so values going from 1 to 7 lets say would become head of new field feature. Or by using StandardScaler() ...
alim1990's user avatar
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Conditional linear regression with indicator variables (Python)

I have the sample dataset below 20 observations of Y variables and 20 observations of X variables. Both are normalized (z-scored). I have a prior that (i) larger magnitude X values with $abs(X) >= ...
qwer's user avatar
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How to encode categorical variables in a video game predictive model

I'd like to make a model to predict the result of a match in a video game (win or loss). The game is 3 players against 3 players, and each player has a specific character with specific ...
Matthieu Veron's user avatar
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Using ANOVA to judge Yes/Sometimes/No questions ability to significantly predict a continuous variable?

I have a dataset that looks something like this: ...
Chris's user avatar
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Does it make sense to apply recursive feature elimination on one-hot encoded features?

Does it make sense to apply recursive feature elimination on a feature set pre-processed with One-Hot Encoding? This is my code for feature selection: ...
Glory's user avatar
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VIF Drops Significantly When I Delete Some Dummy Variables

Is my model valid even with the high VIF? Does it matter which dummy variable I drop as the reference point? I have a a category variable (Fruit) that I converted ...
SAKURA's user avatar
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How to deal with Nominal categorical with label encoding?

So if my dataset looks like this: ...
Aaditya Ura's user avatar
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One-Hot Encoding and Feature Engineering While Avoiding Data Leakage

I have a Pandas dataframe for which I've performed some actions over categorical features: Feature Engineering One-Hot Encoding Let's say that in my dataset I have the features "person_income" and "...
born to hula's user avatar
2 votes
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How to encode noisy text data to make it suitable for supervised machine lea

I want to create an ML program that cleans up noisy data. I have the raw text features and the labels. ML programs tend to prefer numeric data, so I need to encode my text features. This is an example ...
Agarp's user avatar
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Dealing with categorical variables - Looking for recommendations [closed]

I have the following dataset, in which the wind direction (Direccion del viento (Pos)) column is categorical, with 8 categorical values: In total Direccion del ...
bgarcial's user avatar
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Reverse a label encoded target in test and train series?

when performing a Scikit train/test split like so: X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=0) with categorical ...
Rob's user avatar
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How to statistically prove if a column has categorical data or not, using Python

I have a data frame in python where I need to find all categorical variables. Checking the type of the column doesn't always work because int type can also be ...
Amit's user avatar
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Regression Modeling with Secondary Categorical Values and Missingness

I am having a hard time making a decision with how to handle missing data under a specific set of circumstances and what it means to the model. Consider that I have the following fictitious dataset. ...
SciGuyMcQ's user avatar
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Do I use dummy encoding or one hot encoding when trying to do regression?

I am trying to do regression for the first time using qualitative and quantitative data using scikit learn. I want to find correlations between user demographic features like age range, country, ...
pr338's user avatar
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