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Interpreting the Y-axis of a visreg visualizaion of a binominal logistic regression model

This is a long post, apologies for the length. In sum, I just want to know what the Y-axis represents in the below plots. Here's the background: I have a binomial logistic regression model in which ...
Wangana's user avatar
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Visualization of a mixed effect logistic regression model?

Can you suggest me which graphs I should do to visualize a mixed effects logistic regression model with three fixed predictors (all categorical) and two random intercepts?
Katherine's user avatar
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Gap in Partial Residuals Plot for Logistic Regression Model

I'm working on a logistic regression model using R with a binary outcome (prescribed DPP-4 inhibitors or other drugs) and several predictors. My model is specified as follows: ...
jos0909's user avatar
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Visualising log odds from logistic regression model in R

I'm working on a logistic regression analysis using R and aiming to visualize the effects of the predictor "age" on the binary dependent variable "domestic violence." My dataset ...
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Gam plots y-axis range is different for model that that from predict function

I got some idea about gam (generalized additive model) plot from a course of Noam Ross. However, I have several confusion and got stucked. I fit a logistic gam and can interpret by using ...
Ly T's user avatar
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statistics linking McFadden's $R^2$ to the relationship between two binary variables, akin to correlation (Copula with Bernoulli margins?)

My goal is to create a visualization of the strength of the McFadden's $R^2$ of a (multinomial) logistic regression, where McFadden's $R^2$ is $1-\dfrac{LL(M_1)}{LL(M_0)}$, involving the ratio of the ...
Dave's user avatar
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What is the relationship between the threshold and decision boundary in logistic regression?

I've been studying Logistic regression for a few weeks and I have a doubt. According to what I've been studying, Logistic regression fits a sigmoid function $$ \frac{1}{1+e^{-(wx+b)}}$$ to the data ...
qseb59's user avatar
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How to plot interaction term in logistic regression in R

I'm working on the logistic regression with interaction term between gender and education years as below. gender is a factor varibale with two value and eduyears2 is a numeric variable. and the ...
Xingchen LIU's user avatar
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Visualization for univariate binary logistic regression with a categorical independent variable

I am performing a univariate logistic regression where the outcome is obviously 0 or 1, and the independent variable has 18 different levels. I am looking for a way to graph the results of this ...
Scorks's user avatar
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Diagnostic probability plots in logistic regression

There is some discussion on StackExchange about diagnostic plots for logistic regression, but all are focusing on "residuals", for which there is not even a consensus how to define them for ...
cdalitz's user avatar
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Interpretation of a regression coefficients plot

I am a noob of regression so this might be a very simple question. I have seen many plots of the regression coefficients but I am not sure how to interpret and make these plots. For example, below is ...
Tom Leung's user avatar
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Principal component Analysis using median as the center

Please I’m performing an analysis which requires data reduction technique. After preliminary analysis the data is suitable for principal component analysis and I’m comfortable using R but I want to ...
Walley Adex's user avatar
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Interpretation of logit versus independent variable plot for logistic regression

I plotted the log odds of my outcome variable against my predictor variables, hwt and ist. There is a hard vertical line in my hwt plot and a hard diagonal line in my ist plot. I have two questions: (...
C_Marie's user avatar
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Entering a quadratic term in a logistic regression model

I’d like to know how to plot my quadratic relationship. I ran a logistic regression model that included a quadratic term for age on support for helping at-risk juveniles (1=want to help, 0=does not). ...
CuriousAF2's user avatar
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STATA margins dydx with over(.), continuous variables and interaction effect

I have a logistic regression model with two variables (A and B), which I also interact. A and B are both continuous. After the estimation I want to use the margins command to plot the marginal effect ...
Peter Pender's user avatar
5 votes
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Graphing Simple Presence/Absence Data?

I have to create a graph (maybe cdplot) for a final project. I have presence/absence data for around 20 years for a species of frog. ...
Melissa Duda's user avatar
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R plot Odds Ratio for each value in logistic regression

I am trying to replicate the method in section 3a of this paper where, for a logistic regression model, they plot the functional relationship between a continuous variable and the odds for developing ...
cccnrc's user avatar
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Plotting predicted common OR and 95% CI from an ordinal logistic regression model

I fitted an ordinal logistic regression model with a dependent variable of four ordered responses with one continuous predictor variable and 6 confounders, using the polr package in R. It looks like ...
BJ_Kim's user avatar
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With multiple imputed data, how do you probe a categorical-by-categorical interaction in logistic regression?

I am working with 10 multiple imputed datasets in SAS. I used the command PROC SURVEYLOGISTIC to fit a multivariate model with 6 predictors (3 dichotomous and 3 categorical) and their interaction ...
Ahinoa 's user avatar
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Plotting probabilities from firth's logistic regression with ordinal predictor in R

I have fit a model using firth's logistic regression. library(logistf) Model <- logistf(a~b, data = data) Where b is an ordinal variable with 3 levels. ...
Harry's user avatar
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Plot ROC curve in R with the PRROC package

After many hours of research, trial and error and frustration I hope someone here will be able to guide me in the right direction. I am fairly new to R and statistics and can not wrap my hand about ...
Enigma's user avatar
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How to plot results from analysis of different datasets into one graph

I conducted the same logistic regression analysis for five different datasets. Now I would like to plot the results (the Odds-Ratios) all into one graph. Is this even possible? And how would I do it?
Tom's user avatar
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Prediction plot and confidence intervals problems. Is this the best way to plot the relationship here?

I'm trying to convey some findings in which a score from 1-10 seems to predict disease status (binary). I predict yhat and plot yhat with a quadratic fit against my predictor (score). It looks ...
Paze's user avatar
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Simple Explanation about Logistic Regression Plot

I was reading an article about logistic regression and I got confused by one of the pictures: First animated gif from ...
German Demidov's user avatar
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How can we plot the predictions of logistic regression model in order to see whether it is good?

I am working on a basic problem that requires developing a logistic regression model (the output is True/False, whether a person gets cancer). I have used glm() in R and got the model with some ...
Gemi Khong's user avatar
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Visualising a table of proportions

I have a table like ...
J.Smith's user avatar
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Fitting a logarithmic trendline on already logged values

This is the situation. I am running trials with a population simulator, which produces various outputs (y), with the variance of these outputs being dependent on the number of clones (x) (recursions) ...
GabeMath's user avatar
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Plotting in logit (regession)

I'm trying to do something a little funny here with a logistic regression. I have a binary outcome, a time variable, and some confounders. I wanted to plot the monthly mean of the outcome in logit and ...
svenhalvorson's user avatar
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Interpretating `allEffects` and missing p-values

I need to run a logistic regression with random effects, about wheelchair users and hinderance due to environmental barriers: ...
B. Rentrug's user avatar
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How to find cutoff point in Logistics Regression using R

I have run a Logistics Regression model in my data set. Below is the code: ...
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Interpretation of P-value vs. Plot when performing Logistic Regression in R

I am new to R and Logistic Regression so I will try to be as clear as possible. I did the following really as a test case as proof of concept of what I've been trying to learn. I have performed ...
user10461773's user avatar
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What is the best way to display confidence intervals around a proportion?

I was reviewing an article about the effectiveness of a vaccine and it expressed these in % effectiveness = 1 - odds ratio. So far, so good. But they showed confidence intervals around the %'s, both ...
Peter Flom's user avatar
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Visualizing the smooth terms in a logistic regression (GAM model)

We have a a logistic regression model (i.e. family=binomial) estimated with gam of the mgcv ...
Tamas Ferenci's user avatar
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Visualizing the logistic regression cut-off threshold

I have a binary dependent variable dataset to be inputted into a pre-trained logistic regression model. I need to choose an appropriate cutoff threshold $P$ such that for a data point $x_i$ with ...
Set's user avatar
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Surface Plot for Logistic Regression Interactions [closed]

I'm trying to visualize some different interactions from a logistic regression in R. I'd like create a surface plot of the predictive model with two predictor variables along the x and y, then the ...
jkdoyon's user avatar
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How to visualise coefficients of a Binomial Logistic Regression?

Hello all! Do you have an idea how best visualise the data from this table knowing they are coefficients of binomial logistic regressions? What I would like to visualise is a confrontation between ...
Mab's user avatar
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Plotting the results of a logistic regression

I ran a logistic regression in R and then I went to plot it and I'm not sure how to understand the plot. Here's the logistic regression - ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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binomial distribution "flower", ratios vs direct

I am working with a set of data that is very similar to the binomial distribution. It is closely simulated by a random binomial variable. In the real data, there is reason to believe there are ...
Chris's user avatar
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Interpreting decision boundary - Logistic regression in R

I have plotted the Decision boundary for my logistic regression but I don't clearly understand how to interpret it. How do I know on which side of the boundary y=1 and on which y=0? Here is the plot: ...
N_D_'s user avatar
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How can Logistic Regression produce curves that aren't traditional functions?

I think I have some fundamental confusion about how the functions in Logistic regression work (or maybe just functions as a whole). How is it that the function h(x) produces the curve seen in the ...
muZero's user avatar
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Should predicted probabilities from Logistic Regression correspond with percentages?

I have conducted a logistic regression in order to identify whether student status (student/non-student), time period (time 1, 2 or 3), or condition (condition 1 or condition 2) predict a binary ...
DrJay's user avatar
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Why does my model suggest Gall is not significant, when the plot suggests it is?

I have trouble with interpreting the output of a general linear model, which I have fitted to some data. Here are my data: ...
RLover's user avatar
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Interaction visuals in logistic regression

I am running a logistic model and am looking specifically at a 3 way interaction. Here is some descriptives on my data: Outcome: mortality (y/n) Var 1: gender (M/F) Var 2: dichotomous lab value (above/...
Lucy's user avatar
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Interpreting predicted probability plots for a binomial GLM [closed]

Even though this may first appear coding-related, I am not interested in the particular code, but rather in the interpretation of the resulting plots. Therefore, I though this is more appropriate here ...
Tilen's user avatar
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What to plot in order to pre-analyze the data before building a logistic model?

What to plot in order to pre-analyze the data before building a logistic model? In linear models I was able to do a scatter plot of just the response values and see, whether they're distributed "...
mavavilj's user avatar
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Slope and intercept of the decision boundary from a logistic regression model

I was plotting a 2D illustration of a simple logistic regression model, which takes two variables into account. The plot shows the datapoints in terms of the two variables in addition to the decision ...
Error404's user avatar
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How to plot logistic models with many categorical variables?

How to plot logistic models with many categorical variables? Specifically, I'm creating the following kind of model (more variables are still to be added): ...
mavavilj's user avatar
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Graph logistic regression with categorical predictors

I am running a multilevel analysis for binary outcomes (i.e., similar to binary logistic regression), trying to predict use of negations based on two categorical predictors (patient type (MUS vs. MES),...
I. Stort's user avatar
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When plotting predictions over linear predictors, what's a "informative" range for linear predictor values?

When plotting predictions over linear predictors, what's a "informative" range for linear predictor values? The reason to ask is this: This is a very common plot in logistic regression, but isn't ...
mavavilj's user avatar
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How to present predicted probabilities for multiple predictors

I have performed a multinomial logistic regression using the multinom function in R. I have one categorical response variable with 3 levels, 3 continuous predictors and 3 categorical predictors (with ...
LucaS's user avatar
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