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Interpreting the Y-axis of a visreg visualizaion of a binominal logistic regression model

This is a long post, apologies for the length. In sum, I just want to know what the Y-axis represents in the below plots. Here's the background: I have a binomial logistic regression model in which ...
Wangana's user avatar
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Gap in Partial Residuals Plot for Logistic Regression Model

I'm working on a logistic regression model using R with a binary outcome (prescribed DPP-4 inhibitors or other drugs) and several predictors. My model is specified as follows: ...
jos0909's user avatar
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Visualising log odds from logistic regression model in R

I'm working on a logistic regression analysis using R and aiming to visualize the effects of the predictor "age" on the binary dependent variable "domestic violence." My dataset ...
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How to plot interaction term in logistic regression in R

I'm working on the logistic regression with interaction term between gender and education years as below. gender is a factor varibale with two value and eduyears2 is a numeric variable. and the ...
Xingchen LIU's user avatar
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Principal component Analysis using median as the center

Please I’m performing an analysis which requires data reduction technique. After preliminary analysis the data is suitable for principal component analysis and I’m comfortable using R but I want to ...
Walley Adex's user avatar
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Interpretation of logit versus independent variable plot for logistic regression

I plotted the log odds of my outcome variable against my predictor variables, hwt and ist. There is a hard vertical line in my hwt plot and a hard diagonal line in my ist plot. I have two questions: (...
C_Marie's user avatar
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R plot Odds Ratio for each value in logistic regression

I am trying to replicate the method in section 3a of this paper where, for a logistic regression model, they plot the functional relationship between a continuous variable and the odds for developing ...
cccnrc's user avatar
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Plotting probabilities from firth's logistic regression with ordinal predictor in R

I have fit a model using firth's logistic regression. library(logistf) Model <- logistf(a~b, data = data) Where b is an ordinal variable with 3 levels. ...
Harry's user avatar
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Plot ROC curve in R with the PRROC package

After many hours of research, trial and error and frustration I hope someone here will be able to guide me in the right direction. I am fairly new to R and statistics and can not wrap my hand about ...
Enigma's user avatar
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How to plot results from analysis of different datasets into one graph

I conducted the same logistic regression analysis for five different datasets. Now I would like to plot the results (the Odds-Ratios) all into one graph. Is this even possible? And how would I do it?
Tom's user avatar
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Interpretating `allEffects` and missing p-values

I need to run a logistic regression with random effects, about wheelchair users and hinderance due to environmental barriers: ...
B. Rentrug's user avatar
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How to find cutoff point in Logistics Regression using R

I have run a Logistics Regression model in my data set. Below is the code: ...
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Interpretation of P-value vs. Plot when performing Logistic Regression in R

I am new to R and Logistic Regression so I will try to be as clear as possible. I did the following really as a test case as proof of concept of what I've been trying to learn. I have performed ...
user10461773's user avatar
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Surface Plot for Logistic Regression Interactions [closed]

I'm trying to visualize some different interactions from a logistic regression in R. I'd like create a surface plot of the predictive model with two predictor variables along the x and y, then the ...
jkdoyon's user avatar
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Interpreting decision boundary - Logistic regression in R

I have plotted the Decision boundary for my logistic regression but I don't clearly understand how to interpret it. How do I know on which side of the boundary y=1 and on which y=0? Here is the plot: ...
N_D_'s user avatar
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Why does my model suggest Gall is not significant, when the plot suggests it is?

I have trouble with interpreting the output of a general linear model, which I have fitted to some data. Here are my data: ...
RLover's user avatar
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Interpreting predicted probability plots for a binomial GLM [closed]

Even though this may first appear coding-related, I am not interested in the particular code, but rather in the interpretation of the resulting plots. Therefore, I though this is more appropriate here ...
Tilen's user avatar
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Slope and intercept of the decision boundary from a logistic regression model

I was plotting a 2D illustration of a simple logistic regression model, which takes two variables into account. The plot shows the datapoints in terms of the two variables in addition to the decision ...
Error404's user avatar
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How to present predicted probabilities for multiple predictors

I have performed a multinomial logistic regression using the multinom function in R. I have one categorical response variable with 3 levels, 3 continuous predictors and 3 categorical predictors (with ...
LucaS's user avatar
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How to assess quality of model with quasi-binomial GLM residual plot?

I am currently completing quasi-binomial regression and I am using this line of R code to plot the residuals. ...
HAR's user avatar
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How to use boxplots to find the point where values are more likely to come from different conditions?

I have plotted some data using box plots. I am comparing Condition 1 (left) and Condition 2 (Right) values. My aim is to find a point at which we make a decision where the value changes from point ...
Umar's user avatar
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Plotting results of ordered logistic regression analysis

I tried to plot the results of an ordered logistic regression analysis by calculating the probabilities of endorsing every answer category of the dependent variable (6-point Likert scale, ranging from ...
Michael Grosz's user avatar
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plot logistic regression line over heat plot

My data is binary with two linear independent variables. For both predictors, as they get bigger, there are more positive responses. I have plotted the data in a heatplot showing density of positive ...
emily's user avatar
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43 votes
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Interpretation of plot (glm.model)

Can anyone tell me how to interpret the 'residuals vs fitted', 'normal q-q', 'scale-location', and 'residuals vs leverage' plots? I am fitting a binomial GLM, saving it and then plotting it.
Summer's user avatar
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Plot one predictor and its quadratic term versus response variable (GLM binomial distribution)

I have the following model with four independent variables: Model_A <- glm(GRSP~ppt+tem+density+land+I(land^2), family=binomial()) When I plot the variable <...
Elena's user avatar
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Graph with 2 interacted continuous predictor vatiable

When using glm(link=logit), I detected a significant interaction between two continuous predictor variables. How can I present the results visually using R?
Baoping LI's user avatar
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VIsualizing the effect that only one predictor has on the outcome (R)

So I have performed a logistic regression on a data set with multiple predictors. I want to graphically represent the relationship between the outcome and only one of the predictors. What would be the ...
user3813193's user avatar
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Plotting a categorical response as a function of a continuous predictor using R

I would like to plot the relationship between a binary categorical response variable and a continuous predictor to study its shape. The goal is to prep a logistic regression. This image may clarify: ...
Sami's user avatar
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How to interpret this residuals vs fitted plot for logistic regression using R

I am working on a logistic regression on some fundraising data where "gave" is a rare event (approx 3.5%). My current model has 64% accuracy on test data and an AUC of .604. When I run the standard ...
Jake Lowen's user avatar
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Detecting heteroscedasticity - Can I use Breusch-Pagan Test on binary logistic regression?

I'm currently testing a (binary) logistic regression model, which seems to have at least some issues with multicollinearity. Now I don't really trust the data anymore and would like to also test it on ...
Leo.SurveyMeth's user avatar
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How to plot binomial regression model in R

I´m trying to visualize a glm model with a binomial response variable, I want to put a line in the plots, but neither lines or <...
user40116's user avatar
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Plotting logistic regression interaction (categorical by continuous) in R

Hello I have the following logistic model with a categorical variable interaction which I wish to plot in R but I am struggling to find any solutions - ...
Sarah G's user avatar
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Probability Curve from logit model

Related my earlier question here. Having "mastered" linear regression, I'm trying to learn everything I can about logistic regression and am having issues turning largely "useless" ...
ATMathew's user avatar
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Graphing a Probability Curve for a Logit Model With Multiple Predictors

I have the following probability function: $$\text{Prob} = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-z}}$$ where $$z = B_0 + B_1X_1 + \dots + B_nX_n.$$ My model looks like $$\Pr(Y=1) = \frac{1}{1 + \exp\left(-[-3.92 + 0....
ATMathew's user avatar
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Logistic quantile regression – how to best convey the results

In a previous post I’ve wondered how to deal with EQ-5D scores. Recently I stumbled upon logistic quantile regression suggested by Bottai and McKeown that introduces an elegant way to deal with ...
Max Gordon's user avatar
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Creating univariable smoothed scatterplot on logit scale using R

I am learning logistic regression modeling from the book Applied Logistic Regression by Hosmer. I need to create a plot named "create univariable smoothed scatterplot on logit scale", ...
lokheart's user avatar
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