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Is correction for multiple comparisons necessary in this instance (single variable)?

Coming here from a more analytical chemistry background, but I figured I would run my current thoughts here before committing to anything after looking around for a bit. I'm used to always using ...
toasty53's user avatar
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What is the algorithm for grouping means in a multiple comparisons LSD test?

Starting from the means of 10 treatments where the Fisher LSD interval is 2.1, how do you "manually" determine the number of homogeneous groups (a, b, c, d ...) and which mean belongs to ...
Eduardo A. Sánchez Torres's user avatar
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Combining One-way ANOVA followed by Fishers LSD and unpaired ttests?

I am analysing data on levels of proteins in the brain, there are 4 groups, I did a one way anova followed by Fishers LSD. I also carried out individual unpaired ttests comparing each group to the ...
Emma's user avatar
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ANOVA and LSD grouping in R when mean and variance is given

I have the following data. ...
Mendel's user avatar
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FIsher's LSD test is appropriate for restricted mean comparisons

Suppose that we perform two way ANOVA with interactions, with factors $A$ and $B$ with three level each $A_{1},A_{2},A_{3}$ and $B_{1},B_{2},B_{3}$. We know that Fisher's LSD test is used for ...
G1I2A's user avatar
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How to determine significant difference between treatments

What statistical method would you apply to determine if treatments are statistically different. For one treatment I have 26 samples all with 4 measurements. Those measurements are then averaged for ...
Barb's user avatar
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Can Fisher's LSD fail to identify difference when the overall ANOVA test rejects?

I understand that Fisher's LSD test is used as a post hoc analysis if the ANOVA test rejects the null hypothesis All the means $X_1, X_2,.. X_n$ taken from various samples are equal. Also, given ...
honeybadger's user avatar
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Post Hoc test: Fisher LSD or pairwise two sample t.tests

A Fisher LSD test is basically a series of pairwise t-test except that the pooled variance is computed on all groups (and therefore does not vary from one comparison to another) while the normal t-...
Remi.b's user avatar
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lsmeans multiple comparisons and Fishers LSD

I am using the lsmeans package for "post hoc" multiple comparisons and I read here: ANOVA - Do we need a global test before post hoc tests? that in general post hoc ...
Pharcyde's user avatar
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Reject $H_0: \mu_1 = \mu_2 = \mu_3$ but not $H_0: \mu_1 = \mu_2, H_0: \mu_3 = \mu_2,$ or $H_0: \mu_1 = \mu_3$? [duplicate]

Is it possible to reject $$H_0\!: \mu_1 = \mu_2 = \mu_3,$$ for example, with an F test in the context of an ANOVA table, but not reject any of the following: \begin{align} H_0\!: \mu_1 &= \mu_2 ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Tukey's Test or LSD Fisher

I'm trying to solve the above exercise, but my question begins with which test should I choose: Tukey test or Fisher's LSD? I read several things and still can not tell the difference between the two ...
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Fisher's LSD test

When we calculate Fisher's LSD test, why do we use Mean Square of Error which is the variance of all groups (pooled variance), as a variance of each individual group mean? In the denominator it's: ...
Finance 112's user avatar
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Is Fisher's LSD as bad as they say it is?

When we perform experiments (on small sample sizes (usually the sample size per treatment group is about 7~8)) on two groups, we use a t-test to test for difference. However, when we perform an ANOVA (...
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