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Should I cluster my standard errors even when using a multilevel model?

I've been reading up on multilevel modeling, and have noticed that many sources seem to frame it as an "alternative" to using cluster-robust standard errors. My question: Are they really alternatives?...
dd9000's user avatar
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fixed effects model with upper level predictors and cross-sectional data

I am using cross-sectional data with the following OLS model: $$ Y_{(i,j)} = \beta_{(0)} + \beta X_{(i)} + \beta X_{(i,j)} + \beta fixed\; effects_{(j-1)} + \varepsilon_{i,j} $$ where $i$ stands for ...
Erdne Htábrob's user avatar
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Multilevel model with repeated data and time fixed effects?

I am using pooled cross sectional survey data to estimate prefernce for redistribution. I have 33 countries for 6 survey rounds covering the periods 2000-2013. I would like to estimate the effects ...
Stephanie Armbruster's user avatar
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How can I evaluate with R the interaction between a within-subject effect and a continuous variable at the subject level?

Scenario: 62 subjects did a selection task composed of 128 items, that can be divided into four conditions, because each item has a cue and a target (also other options but thats not of interest in ...
Walter Mandelbroth's user avatar
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BOTH random AND fixed effects for binary factor in lmer. Pointless?

I once read around here that with binary factors in mixed effects models (lmer specifically), one shouldn't specify both random and fixed effects. The person went ...
Pablo Bernabeu's user avatar
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Stata: plotting the random+fixed effects of slopes after multilevel models are fit with `xtmixed`

I am fitting a linear multilevel model of the following form: Y = b0 * X0 + b1 * X1 + b2 * X2 + b3 * X3 + u b0 = e0 b3 = e3 The units in the first level are ...
Louis15's user avatar
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Panel poisson regressions on rates and values far from 0

I am estimating the effect of some treatment on yearly district-level stillbirths and stillbirth rates and births and birthrates in a panel with district and year fixed effects. Stillbirths are ...
Felix H's user avatar
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A mixture of mixed-model regression and fixed-effects-only regression: what is it exactly?

I have a model with a continuous dependent variable (DV) and 9 independent variables (IVs). My model is a mixed-model, because 7 of the 9 IVs are nested within the two levels of another IV (lets call ...
Vic's user avatar
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How hierarchical and FE models estimate the number of level 2 groups

I'm estimating a hierarchical/multilevel model and a standard fixed effect model for a cross-national survey, with level 2 set at the country level. When I look at the outputs for these models however,...
Reuben Long's user avatar
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Would a multilevel model (random effects) suit better

I have a question about whether multilevel modeling is appropriate in my situation. I’m working on an analysis looking at the effect of an training camp for factory workers in 20 different factories ...
Kiara 's user avatar
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Multilevel analysis - interpretation not significant at level 1

I'm doing a multilevel analysis for the first time for my master thesis. The goal of my study was to create behaviour change through an intervention. Participants are measured for behaviour at 3 ...
clarmar's user avatar
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3 Level Hierarchical Models in STATA; Null model fails to converge

3 Level Hierarchical Models in STATA; Null model failed to converge About the Dataset I am working with DHS (Demographic and Health Survey Data) data. DHS uses a two-stage cluster sampling process. ...
Mayank Agrawal's user avatar