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How to deal with variability in clustering. Multiple/Meta clustering?

I'm not sure what information is relevant here, so here is some background: I'm using Python 3 / sklearn, but I could probably use R if needed. I have a small sparse data-set (~1500 samples, ~1600 ...
pdanese's user avatar
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Perform clustering from a similarity matrix

I have a list of songs for each of which I have extracted a feature vector. I calculated a similarity score between each vector and stored this in a similarity matrix. I would like to cluster the ...
Michael Pulis's user avatar
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A problem with implementing PCA-guided k-means

I am new to machine learning. I am reading the papers K-means Clustering via Principal Component Analysis and PCA-guided search for K-means. But there are too many mathematical proofs in these papers. ...
Fanny ZMN's user avatar
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Clustering Data with Time and ~10 million records

I have a dataset with features like product categories, their dimensions, price, units sold on a given day. I want to create clusters out of this dataset (~12-15 million records) and I am using data ...
Shivam Bindal's user avatar
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I don't understand why each time Kmeans finds the same centroid given different initialization?

The k-means algorithm does the following: Given a set of points, we first choose k random points to be the initial centroids. We then create k clusters. The ith cluster contains the points nearest to ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Finding centroids without K-means

The Data: Currently I have a simple distribution that looks like the histogram below. Every point is an integer between 0 and 16 and I have 350MB of these samples. The Problem: I want to identify 8 ...
Brian Crafton's user avatar
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python find the optimal # of cluster for K-Means algorithm

I have a data that contains 24 features and all features have some missing values. I want to use the impute-KNN algorithm from sklearn to fill the missing values. However, before I do that, I think I ...
skylar1218's user avatar
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Should I scale when clustering text data using K-means?

I want to cluster a folder of texts. I created a data file where for each text, I write whether a certain word appears in it or not. I want to cluster according to this. So my matrix is globally only ...
Marine Galantin's user avatar
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Modifying k-means for points on torus

My data coordinates are degrees so each axis has values [-180, 180]. Therefore it's easy to spot that in fact the scatter plot on the right end continues on the left side and the same thing for up and ...
lemonade's user avatar
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Correct calculation of BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion) to determine K for K-Means

I am trying to calculate BIC in python. In python, there is no inbuilt library for computing BIC. I referenced the following link to compute variance and BIC further:- Using BIC to estimate the number ...
Batman22's user avatar
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Identify Phrases Not in Training Set (Unsupervised)

I'm trying to train an unsupervised machine learning algorithm to learn a vocabulary and if it is given a word, it can predict how close that word is to what it already knows. Only issue is my ...
ethanenglish's user avatar
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Clustering Mixed Data Types: Algorithm Selection, Distance Measurement, and Feature Weighting

I have a database of 74,000 records with 29 features. Fourteen of these features are categorical and are either 0 or 1, while the other 15 features are continuous and have been normalized and scaled ...
peiman razavi's user avatar
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cluster 2d matrix (clustring)

i have a 2d Matrix and It contains specifications for laptops, where each group contains three components like thant : ...
mohamad jumaa's user avatar
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How to evaluate the perforamance of clustering model using python

I have implemented the k means clustering model using python , i would like to know whether my model is perfect or not , so that i want to know which performance metrics is used for clustering model ...
Nandu matam's user avatar
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Which is the best clustering algorithm for clustering multidimensional data with low density difference?

I am working on a project currently and I wish to cluster multi-dimensional data. I tried K-Means clustering and DBSCAN clustering, both being completely different algorithms. The K-Means model ...
Ashish Rao's user avatar
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Visualize Analysis of clustering after pca

I am using kmeans for clustering and if I read the topics around here and somewhere else it is always recommended to do a graphical check-up for the number of ...
PV8's user avatar
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Using k-means clustering to train radial basis neural network for highly imbalanced dataset

I am trying to find prototype neurons for my radial basis neural network. My dataset has 30 attributes (of which 28 of them are the result of a single PCA) and 300.000 observations. It is a binary ...
glslmn's user avatar
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Weighted K-means for my super market vs K-means

I have a Super Market. I want to find if product A is out of stock which product should i replace with. I am not sure what should i do, someone suggested me K-means for that. If sppose my data looks ...
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Theano K Means with Shared Variables and Scan

I have a pet project to reproduce some common clustering in theano in order to improve my understanding for future projects. I was wondering if anyone has ever used nested theano scans on shared ...
fritz's user avatar
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I want to classify data by distance from centroids in python

I'm making an image classifier that will tell if an image is a car or not, in Python. here are my steps: Get SIFT descriptors from about 200 images with cars on them. On all those SIFT descriptors ...
lasha's user avatar
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What could cause a K-means clustering algorithm to converge into a single cluster?

I am currently writing a K-means clustering algorithm in Python, and I seem to have coded myself into a corner... I begin my algorithm with data sets assigned randomly to the appropriate number of K ...
Sam's user avatar
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