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multiple likely ys for one instance of x: word prediction with LSTM

I have a ML project that is about predicting (suggesting) the next word based on the last n words, using LSTM. The output is a softmax dense layer the size of the vocabulary that shows the probability ...
alpaprika39's user avatar
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Use of ignore_index on CrossEntropyLoss() for text models

I have been using PyTorch's CrossEntropyLoss() on a Language Autoencoder. I noticed that most people use ignore_index for ignoring the pad token in loss calculation eg this. From what I understand ...
Ishan's user avatar
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Choosing a model for input: categorised, weighted sequence, output: binary variable

What would be an appropriate model for predicting a binary target variable, given a weighted sequence? Sequences will be reasonably short, typically between ~ 1 and 5 elements. I have in the order of ...
Ian's user avatar
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BERT masking - why does it require sampling, and how does it mitigate the mismatch of the [MASK] token when fine-tuning?

I'm reading the BERT paper and jalammar's illustrative guide for BERT. I don't understand 2 things about the method's crux - the masked language model: why does masking requires us to sample (take ...
ihadanny's user avatar
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Do recurrent neural language models greedily model language probability?

Want to check my understanding of recurrent neural language models (in this case I'm working with a decoder in an encoder-decoder RNN but I don't think that matters significantly). I'm trying to ...
Brendan King's user avatar
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How to train a RNN language model?

I want to train a RNN-based language model from for next word prediction. How to split the sentences from the dataset into input and ground truth during the ...
nidomo's user avatar
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How to sample a language model?

I've successfully trained a language model using LSTMs. But I have a confusion about sampling. On sampling, we generate a probability distribution at each time step. It will be of length vocabulary ...
Sleeba Paul's user avatar
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Character level RNN for converting word forms

I want to build a char RNN to convert word form from one to another, for example, singular nouns such as lion to lions. However ...
Abhishek Malpani's user avatar
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How do we pass data to a RNN?

Let's say we have A1, A2, ... , Am different articles in the corpus and each of them has W1, W2, ....., Ww words. We are training a language model on them. Do we: Scheme 1 Take the first batch of ...
figs_and_nuts's user avatar
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Deciding on the training sequences for RNN/LSTM language model

In a character language model, text is seen as a stream of characters. Say we have a training text as a string s, with length ...
Yibo Yang's user avatar
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Calculating test-time perplexity for seq2seq (RNN) language models

To compute the perplexity of a language model (LM) on a test sentence $s=w_1,\dots,w_n$ we need to compute all next-word predictions $P(w_1), P(w_2|w_1),\dots,P(w_n|w_1,\dots,w_{n-1})$. My question ...
xhi's user avatar
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Under periodic BPTT, is softmax evaluated only at the end of the period?

Suppose I have a continuous sequence $X$ of words and I wish to train a RNN language model. According to [1], I would split $X$ into subsequences $X^{1..|X|/k_1}$ $k_1$ sized subsequences ($k_1$ is ...
Alexandre's user avatar
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Advantage of character based language models over word based

Is there an intuition why character based models language bases models are preferred over word based. For example Karpathy builds his language model by predicting the next character in Karpathy Blog. ...
PKuhn's user avatar
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