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confusion about random effects summaries from lme and tab_model SjPlot

I am running into two issues. As such, I am not confident in my interpretation of summary estimates from the Random Effects part of lme function. I used the ...
Science11's user avatar
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LME4 : How to interpret a lmer model interaction that includes a numerical variable (linear factor)

I have a model that looks into a 3-way interaction between 2 categorical variables (Group: Gr. A, Gr. B, Gr. C; Area: A1, A2, A3) and a numerical linear interaction (Distance from center - ECC: 1, 2, ...
Malen's user avatar
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How to interpret linear mixed model with/without random intercept fitted in nlme

I fitted two models using the Oats data from nlme: ...
Patrick's user avatar
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How to interpret LME Estimates for an interaction effect that contains two continuous variables when one variable can be positive or negative [duplicate]

I am somewhat confused about how best to interpret the results of my logistic mixed effects model. I have two variables, confidence (continuous, 0-100) and meta-d', which can range from -0.5-2. From ...
Rupert Riddle's user avatar
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LMM Results interpretation: Change in results when adding interaction

This question is a follow up question from this one: Controlling for an effect by adding it as covariate in R Now that I know my model is coherent, I have some issues interpreting my results. The ...
Juliette's user avatar
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Mixed model fixed effect interpretation doubt

I'll try to summarize my problem as clearly as possible (and yes, I read a million other threads with similar problems, googled it, and I'm still here begging for help). I am trying to generate a ...
Davide Bertoli's user avatar
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How do I interpret these linear mixed model coefficients from r?

I've fitted a mixed model with participants and vowels as random factors and language (Tamil and French) as the fixed factor. The dependent variable is durations of prolongations (of a phoneme). The ...
MaVeee2021's user avatar
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Interpretation of DHARMa residuals for Gamma GLMM

I am fitting a Gamma GLMM (lme4::glmer) with log link and doing model diagnostics with DHARMa. I am getting significant results indicating my residuals are not ...
bakerysbs's user avatar
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How do I obtain the estimate for each level of an interaction term containing a categorical variable in LMER R?

I fit a linear mixed effect model to my data with random slopes. ...
Ian Malone's user avatar
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Need help interprete lmm result - One fixed effect one random effect

I am investigating the difference in size between pike fry during their emigration period out from their nursery area. My hypothesis is that bigger fry tend to force smaller sized fry to migrate due ...
Oscar Adolfsson's user avatar
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Relevance of Mixed Model Estimates vs. Observed Means [duplicate]

This question is a follow-up to a previous question I asked regarding mixed model effects construction, linked here. It provides some background, although this is a broader question with little to do ...
Calum Stephenson's user avatar
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report output GLMER and do contrasts

I'm running a glmer and have a few questions regarding how to interpret the output and how to report it: it's not clear to me what the main effects are given that they are all in reference to a base ...
Chiara Toschi's user avatar
6 votes
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Interpretation of binomial GLM (glmer) with interaction and results description

I would like to confirm if I am analysing the results of my model correctly and get some advise if I am missing something! I conducted the following model to analyse factors that describe the feeding ...
Catarina Toscano's user avatar
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Orthogonal polynomials lme4: Interpretation of significant quadratic predictor when linear predictor is not significant [duplicate]

Summary of Study Participants worked in pairs to complete three tasks. Periodically throughout the interaction, they evaluated one another across a variety of categories. The primary category of ...
Charlie Nagle's user avatar
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Filling missing data points with lmer prediction model

I'm trying to interpolate the missing data point using lmer model prediction. Subsetting to a table without any na to the missing column of interest: ...
YBB's user avatar
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Interpret contradicting output of lmer model with categorical interaction in R

I am struggling to interpret my output in R. It does not make sense to me. I first regressed participants' ratings (= value) on manipulations (...
Theresa's user avatar
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Am I employing and interpreting linear mixed-effects modelling correctly here?

I'm interested in the effect of a categorical variable X (let's say the application of heat) on continuous variable Y (the expression level of a particular gene). I have measurements of Y for samples ...
Jess's user avatar
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How to Interpret the result of generalized linear mixed model?

I ran a generalized linear mixed model using lmer in R, and I'm struggling how to interpret the result. The response variable is a result of 25 consecutive binary choices. The point where I'm stuck is:...
user165723's user avatar
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Interpretation of a generalised mixed-effects model with family = Poisson in R

While looking for the best analysis of my data, I found linear mixed models. I wanted to use them because I have variance by subject and by item, but I only found tutorials for continuous or binomial ...
Krilin's user avatar
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How do the random effects relate to the fixed effects in the output from a mixed model?

When I run my output from the lmer function for random effects, I get something like this: ...
nak5120's user avatar
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Interpreting output from lmer

This probably has been asked many a times, but I cannot find the answer. I'm trying to interpret the output that I get from lmer. My code is as follows: ...
Sneha 's user avatar
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Help with using variables as ordered factors/how to read lme4 output

I am quite new to R and also to LME statistics and would greatly appreciate any help. I am trying to figure out whether I have changed the variables in my study accordingly, and how to read the ...
V Mileva's user avatar
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Model ANOVA or marginal ANOVA for detecting significance

I have recently faced a weird way of finding a significant variable. Let the model be $Cholesterol=Sex+FamilyHistory + Sex*FamilyHistory$ where the * denotes the interaction, sex and FamilyHistory ...
TPArrow's user avatar
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I need help in interpreting mixed effects output with interaction

I have data structured in a long format which contains repeated values for every participant v001. I run a mixed models analysis with random coefficients to ...
guaguncher's user avatar
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Interpretation of a three-level contrast in a linear mixed-effect model in R

I have a linear mixed effect model in R where my fixed effect consists of three levels: Yes, No and ...
HernanLG's user avatar
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Mixed-effect output of lmer showing more slopes than anticipated

My data consists of a numerical, continuous variable and 4 independent variables, plus two sources of random variation. I am running mixed-effects model in R with the ...
HernanLG's user avatar
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lmer: comparing model fit and null hypothesis significance testing

We recently used lmer to analyze some reaction time data. There were three fixed effects variables, and the model included their interactions and a fully specified random effects structure. Something ...
clint's user avatar
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How to interpret lsmeans output for my lmer model?

I've defined an lmer model in R with 2 fixed effects, 2 random intercepts and a random slope: ...
jo81's user avatar
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Can mixed models can be used to study longitudinal changes in independent variable?

I have a R dataframe that contains prices and many metadata fields from books published between 1700 and 1800: ...
dduhaime's user avatar
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R: interaction in model output

Let's say you're trying to fit a model to a dataset that includes categorical variables, group (A or B) and treatment (1, 2, 3 or 4). In R, your model formula would be DV ~ group * treatment (DV ...
ant1's user avatar
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Interpreting a linear mixed effect model's interaction term

I am a biologist and am attempting to analyze the effects of time and location on depth. I was told I needed to use a mixed effects model to account for the random variables of Individual and tracking ...
Yucca's user avatar
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A good source to understand interaction in LMM?

I would like to know more about interaction in LMM using lmer. Can you recommend me any books, articles, websites?
user3288202's user avatar
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How to interpret 2-way and 3-way interaction in lmer?

I have a problem with interpreting 2-way and 3-way interactions in lmer. My DV is height which is a continuous variable. All IVs are categorical variables. The first factor is animal, either rat or ...
user3288202's user avatar
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