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How does the REML fitting procedure know when a predictor is nested

Consider an experiment with two categorical predictors, A and B, where the levels of B are nested within those of A, and thus described by the following design information: A B 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 ...
Chris Science's user avatar
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How do I analyze bimodal distibuted data with a linear mixed model

The experiment I am working on has the following design: A B C D E F B A D E F C A B E F C D B A F C D E Each Letter represents a different level of the single factor called “...
Thomas Baumgartner's user avatar
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Hierarchical linear model in the context of an experiment

In an experimental study, I randomly assign participants to one of two conditions: Condition A (which they read Text A), and Condition B (in which they read Text B). After reading their assigned text, ...
Oriane's user avatar
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mixed effects and lme4: Do I need nesting?

I am analyzing data from a field experiment, and I am interested in the effects of fauna and altitude (fixed). Altitude has two levels, and at each site I have 5 blocks for the three levels of fauna (...
Aline Quadros's user avatar
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Syntax for unbalanced block design with nesting?

I am trying to run a model in which I have site as a blocking factor, and two layers of nested random effects due to sub-sampling. The nesting layers are -> plant[flower[robbing status]]. My response ...
JKO's user avatar
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