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How to do hypothesis testing for Minimum value?

I have a sample with a size of n=100, and I want to show that the minimum value of the underlying distribution is not less than a certain threshold, with a confidence level of 95%. The distribution of ...
Joe the Second's user avatar
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Definition p-value and find p-value in practice

I have a problem that I can't solution. Let $\mathbf{X}=\{X_1,X_2,\ldots,X_n\}\sim\mathrm{Uniform}(0,\theta)$ and we have $H_0:\theta=\theta_0$ and $H_1:\theta>\theta_0$. We reject the $H_0$ when $...
Samvel Safaryan's user avatar
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Hypothesis Testing and the Generalised Extreme Value distribution

Is it correct to say that the generality of the Fisher-Tippett theorem means block-maximum data will always fit a GEV distribution? And how can we reject hypotheses on GEV parameters? Original ...
Isambard Kingdom's user avatar
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Hypothesis testing for large N small k

I've got a set of differentially expressed biomarkers that I want to check for the significance of this observation. For a similar problem, I've seen the hypergeometric test being used, where $k$ = ...
Anonymous Scientist's user avatar
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Probability of random population value being higher than sample maximum

Considering a small sample size (n < 10) from a population, I'm trying to find how likely a random population value would be greater than the maximum of the sample. Hoping ye could help me with ...
pizza's user avatar
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Hypothesis Test: Bound for number of observations from Y that exceed max(X) if X=Y in distribution

I believe this question is related to Extreme Value Theory, an area of statistics that I have not studied. Let $X$ and $Y$ be random variables the null hypothesis be that $X=Y$ in distribution $\{...
Statseeker's user avatar
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Hypothesis test for minimum/maximum

I need some kind of hypothesis test (or at least a reasonable rule of thumb) that will enable me to validate if observed minimum and/or maximum is "close enough" to the theoretical minimum/maximum. I ...
Tim's user avatar
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Test extreme value distribution in Logit Model

Suppose I have a Logit regression with error term. How to test the error term follows an extreme value distribution? I check Logistic Regression in Wikipedia it says The choice of the type-1 ...
Andy Xu's user avatar
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Inconsistent outcomes of boostraped hypothesis tests on max and median

I am trying to make an hypothesis test using bootstrapping. I compute a quantity Q from a sample set (the exact calculation should not be relevant, but let's say ...
user60117's user avatar
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Comparing min and max estimates

What is the most appropriate way to compare two groups of data in which, rather than a single value for each observation, we have two values per subject - a minimum and maximum value? Basically, one ...
user441706's user avatar