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Kruskal-Wallis with unbalanced classes and assumption of normality

Edited I want to better understand: how to appropriately approach a significant test with largely unbalanced classes appreciate the "story" that a statistical tests support Situation: I ...
user305883's user avatar
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Multilevel Modeling and Alternatives for Repeated Measures Design

I am conducting a study on the effect of different characteristics of urban space on human physiological response. The study is a "repeated measures" design. For this example, each of 5 ...
Mark S.'s user avatar
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Is using a mixed model with random intercept and random slope appropriate for this problem?

I have a dataset with customer reviews of products and product features. Each customer reviews multiple products, but customers don't necessarily review the same products. The products are similar, ...
Melanie's user avatar
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testing significance of random effects

I have a random effects model and I want to test whether they are significant or not. I'm using statsmodels.formula.api. I read I need to test whether the variance for a parameter is 0, but can't ...
Melanie's user avatar
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How to compare the fit of two multilevel models which only differ in their fixed effects?

I have two models looking like this, where just the fixed effects differ, but the random effects stay the same ...
Bila's user avatar
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Some Question about the Intraclass Correlation in interrater reliability

I am currently working on intraclass correlation in the context of inter-rater reliability. There are different forms of ICC (Shrout and Fleiss, 1979; McGraw and Wong, 1999) and according to the ...
バシル's user avatar
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Is it possible to implement ANOVA analysis with categorical dependant variable?

I have some survey data which tracks the employment status of individuals over time. I am doing an analysis on the effects of different independant variables on occupation, and one thing I wish to ...
Misc584's user avatar
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ICC vs Repeated Measures ANOVA to Justify Multilevel Model

I have heard of using ICCs to determine if there is variability to justify using a multilevel (i.e., mixed effects, hierarchical) model. However, I've recently seen studies examine whether there is a ...
ftPzTQY's user avatar
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Stat test that allows comparing means across groups

I have a dataset involving a dependent (numerical) variable and 2 indipendent (one nominal and the other numerical) variables. My nominal variable involves 4 groups, with each group being split into ...
kake's user avatar
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Repeated measure multilevel regression model

I have to test for correlation between Thermal inertia (TI) and Depth diameter ratio(d/D), Rim irregularity(RI), Radii variation(RV), mantled rim percentage(MRP). I want to see which variable (RI, RV,...
Farzana's user avatar
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How to calculate "by hand" between group variance and the ICC for a three-level hierarchical model?

Introduction: This question is related to this and this questions that were answered before, but I would like a more detailed answer on how between-groups variance are calculated in a (null) three-...
Socrates's user avatar
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multilevel regression model for nested data?

Hypothesis 1 Independent variable = Thermal inertia (TI) Dependent variable = Depth diameter ratio (d/D), Radii variation (RV) and Rim irregularity (RI). Hypothesis 2 Independent variable = Thermal ...
Farzana's user avatar
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When to use robust one-way repeated measure design ANOVA?

I have a set of 9 different factor levels from my independent variable to be compared against each other. Here are the results of the different assumption tests in R. I'm just going through my ...
bolleke's user avatar
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Analyzing clustered (repeated measures) data with very few clusters

What is the most appropriate method for analyzing clustered data (i.e., repeated measurements nested within subjects) when there are very few clusters (e.g., 3 subjects)? Here's a brief description of ...
Carolyn's user avatar
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anova and model residuals in LMER

I am sufficiently educated in R and linear regression to make dangerous unknowing/overconfident mistakes due to inexperience, so want to make sure that I am not making those mistakes. I have dependent ...
Asad Sayeed's user avatar
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ANOVA with missing cells and multi-level analysis

I'm about to analyse some data (hypothesis testing) and would like some feedback on my approach as I have never seen this situation (missing cells in an ANOVA-like table). I would also like to know if ...
fffrost's user avatar
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A figure or narrative to compare multi-level models and fixed-effects ANOVAs

TL;DR: What figure or narrative can represent a fixed-effect ANOVA if we represent $complete~pooling$, $no~pooling$, and multi-level (partial pooling) models using the following figures (and ...
rnorouzian's user avatar
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Which test to use when comparing two variables of which one has multiple levels?

Here's some example data: ...
Inkling's user avatar
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Best Linear Predictors for two-way nested classification model

1. Summarize the problem How can I make predictions for the random effects in a two-way nested ANOVA with unbalanced data? Given the model for the two-way classification $y_{ijk} = \mu + \alpha_j + ...
Toby's user avatar
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Why does independence matter in Statistics & Why does a MLM change Fixed Effect Coefficients?

I've been trying to get a better grasp of statistics lately, and have been wondering why exactly independent observations matter when building a model? This is a broad question, but I'm curious about ...
dylanjm's user avatar
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Hypotheses check with mixed ANOVA, ANCOVA, regression or multilevel linear model?

I conducted a repeated-measures experiment and obtained for each subject the following data: ...
quest10nR's user avatar
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What is the best way to analyse (in SPSS) a matched group design?

I am studying cognition in juvenile sex offenders. I have two independent groups: juvenile sex offenders and juvenile non-sex offenders. I am matching these groups on 9 variables: age, gender, SES, ...
cee's user avatar
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Two groups measured twice - which strategy is correct?

I could need some help on how to choose the correct way to analyze the data I have collected. I conducted an experiment with two groups (control condition vs. experimental condition). The continuous ...
Katharina B.-N.'s user avatar
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Effect Size and ANOVA

I have run a one-way ANOVA to check whether the mean score obtained by three groups of students from different schools is statistically significant ($n= 2000, 1500, 400$ respectively)and (...
Doreen Spiteri's user avatar
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ANOVA over time but not repeated measures

I have an experiment that was incorrectly designed. I'm trying to see what analysis I should provide, but I'm a little confused. A brief description of the experiment: Rats were given one of four ...
Eli's user avatar
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Computation of correlation between variables pertaining to groups and variables pertaining to subjects included in groups

I have a number of observations that are organized in groups and subgroups. I would like to estimate the correlation coefficient between a variable that refers to each group and a variable that refers ...
thanp's user avatar
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Parameter estimation of exponential distribution depending on multiple factors/attributes

for a simulation I’ll need to simulate project delays. I’ve data on 20k projects with delays in quarters. Some of them were finished ahead of plan (i.e. neg. delays) others with a delay of 1-16 ...
Serge D's user avatar
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What kind of test do I use for comparing groups that are themselves groups?

I'm sorry if this question is vague: I don't yet understand stats terminology very well. Let's say I am interested in a measurement X. Imagine it is neuron diameter. I want to know if brain regions ...
startle_response's user avatar
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Random Intercept Model: Will including Level 1 predictors necessarily reduce ICC?

Heck et al (2013) describe a process of building multilevel models that makes use of the concept of intraclass correlation (ICC). They recommend calculating the ICC from a random-effects ANOVA FIRST ...
user1205901 - Слава Україні's user avatar
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Correlation or difference? appropriate test for variables with different units?

In a comparative study on human motion and perception in both reality and virtual reality, I am examining differences and relations between specific entities. In two separate experiments, TTG ...
Aliakbar Ahmadi's user avatar
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Analysis of Repeated Measures Study with Unequal Time Between Measurements

I have inherited the analysis of a study from a previous research student. I am having trouble determining what type of analysis would be most appropriate to use. I am trying to assess whether or ...
RafreakiJones's user avatar
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Mixed model vs. n-way ANOVA for hierarchical data and proportions

I have a experimental setup (plant germination). I don't have concrete data yet. I am looking at how many plants germinate in given conditions, broken down as follows: 1) Two different temperatures. ...
Tilen's user avatar
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Nested Anova vs Multilevel Linear Models

I am working on a problem which revolves around individual axons / nerve cells in two treatment conditions. All relevant questions are clearly on the axon level, and dependent on properties (size, ...
vrtsig's user avatar
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Does an n-way ANOVA have n independent variables?

I'm trying to swot up before my next lecture of ANOVA models but the n-way has me a little confused. Ended up asking myself this question "Does an n-way ANOVA have n independent variables?" but I can'...
RachelTighe's user avatar
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Which Test to check relationship between age (ordinal independent variable) and nominal variable (type of car)

I have two variables age and type of car bought. Age is in groups. Eg. $<25$, $26-35$, $36-45$, $46-55$, $>55$. Car is 1. American, 2. ...
Jack Masey's user avatar
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HLM vs. repeated measures ANOVA -- sphericity concerns?

All, Say I have a 2 (between) x 4 (repeated measures) mixed factorial design. I was going to analyze it with ANOVA, but normality issues and sphericity concerns have made that not a good idea. Are ...
Tom Carpenter's user avatar
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AIC and anova p in multilevel model, how to interpret?

I have a model with a random-nested factor, I am comparing it with a model without the random factor (to test significance of random factor) as follows: ...
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Alternative to ANOVA (beginner) [closed]

I have run 15 experiments to compare the effect of different hormone combinations on the maturation on Xenopus oocytes (immature eggs). I am hoping to find the best performing variable. I have 4 ...
Lauren Neill's user avatar
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Repeated measures regression with categorical and continous predictors

(This is a follow-up of a previous question of mine, and similar to this unanswered question) Scenario Say I have 30 subjects. On each subject, I have a number of categorical and continuous variables,...
Scipio's user avatar
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How to analyze data once broken down into gender, race, etc

I have two conditions, Treatment A, and Treatment B. Participants are randomly assigned to a treatment at the outset. Then I run unpaired t-tests on the data to find any differences. BUT I am also ...
user2974849's user avatar
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Data Analysis Question from a Stats Novice (Hierarchical Multiple Regression and sample size assumptions)

I'm working on my dissertation and have only a very basic knowledge of stats. I am assuming all of you have a much better understanding and I need some clarification: I am comparing two groups (...
nshewey's user avatar
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Analysis of insane factorial designs

I'm seriously thinking of doing the following experiment in the field of attention research. In this particular area there are some factors of importance that appear to modify participants' response ...
John Petrucci's user avatar
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Statistics for conditions with different number of levels

I have measured the brain activity in a group of 10 subjects who had to perform a task in real and imagined conditions, the task ...
vilanova's user avatar
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Hierarchical linear regression analyses, but with logarithms?

I was ask to do a linear regression analyses of my variables. I have Reaction times. Can you recommend me a linear regression analysis (hierarchical?) and tell me whether I should transform my raw ...
Yacila's user avatar
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Mixed ANOVA vs. mixed models (multilevel modeling)

Is mixed ANOVA the same thing as multilevel modeling? If not, how do they differ? I am trying to compare inter- and intra-individual differences and not sure which one is the better approach.
Jodie's user avatar
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Appropriate Analysis for ordinal variable, repeated 4 times under different conditions, by the same 2 raters

I am doubting myself on which analysis to run for the following: 18 participants were evaluated at 4 time points with different conditions at each time. They were given scores (on a discrete visual ...
Patrick's user avatar
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How to compare changes in group means over time

I would like to compare group means among 4 groups and analyse changes in their characteristics over time. I have a panel data set which is unbalanced. My sample sizes are not equal and therefore ...
Jodie's user avatar
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Measuring effects of categorical factors on binomial outcome with many groups

I'd like to do some analysis of shooting efficiency in basketball when a team is leading (AHEAD) or trailing (BEHIND) by less than 8 points and whether they are HOME or AWAY. Here are a few examples ...
thecity2's user avatar
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I want to do an nested ANOVA but my variances are very unequal

I have data that were collected at a number of sites, and each site was located within one of three zones (Lake Ontario, Erie and the St. Lawrence), so I was hoping to do nested ANOVAs to compare ...
Jess's user avatar
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Justification of aggregation in multi-level model - ICC in SPSS

I am running a multi-level model on data which is set out with one row per individual survey return, each with Individual ID and Organisational ID as columns. There are variables which can be ...
Sam Cruickshank's user avatar