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Multilevel Modeling in Linear Mixed Models versus Generalized Linear Mixed Models

I am analyzing a data set that includes several discrete and continuous outcome variables (DV). For the continuous DVs I intend to use Linear Mixed Models (LMM) processed in SPSS. For the discrete ...
Mark S.'s user avatar
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Is it appropriate to calculate odds ratios from random effects glmm output?

Is it appropriate to calculate odds ratios from random effects glmm output? about the data: grown (binary): whether flower grows over a certain height (TRUE/FALSE)...
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2 votes
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How to fit a GLMM with multiple levels of nesting

I have some data I am struggling to process at the moment. I have landed on using generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs), but I am having a very hard time wrapping my head around it. I have a large ...
Joseph's user avatar
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Interpreting results from a glmm (lmer) with multilevel and interaction fixed variables

I am running my GLMMs on R to test whether the effect of breed on the acoustic parameters of meows is dependent on sex levels (sex*breed) and to test whether the ...
Alice 's user avatar
3 votes
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When should grouping variables interact in a mixed-effects model?

I was reading this post which is relevant to a research project I'm working on now. I think that I understand the difference between crossed and nested random effects, e.g. as described here. The ...
wzbillings's user avatar
8 votes
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Why do random effects require a minimum # of levels?

I have always heard random effects require a minimum number of levels to be correctly specified in a hierarchical (mixed-effects) model. I can admit to following this rule without question (mostly ...
Nate's user avatar
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GLMM mixed models. Binary data with only one positive outcome possible

I am studying letality in cardio-vascular events. My outcome is binary (death at 1 month) for each event. My patients can have multiple cardiovascular events but obvioulsy only one of them can lead to ...
Jason Shourick's user avatar
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The method for analyzing the repeated measures study when the data was non-normal distributions

When we conduct the repeated measures data (a continuous dependent variable) by using the method of repeated measures ANOVA, GEE or Multilevel models, the data was need follow normally distributed (...
skywalker21th's user avatar
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Inference for overall population parameters with multilevel models

I have a dataset that it is clearly need a multilevel model approach -observations from different regions-. However, I am not interesting in population parameters of regions, but overall parameters ...
yer's user avatar
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5 votes
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Calculating ICC for a beta-binomial GLMM

I understand that ICC in binomial GLMMs with a logit link can be calculated via R, where the residual deviance is (pi ^ 2) / 3. However, this is assuming that the ...
cirxi's user avatar
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Can I use Gls() or glmer() to predict binary outcomes with restricted cubic splines predictors?

I'm new to rms, as I read the rms book and notes, I saw that the Gls() function could be used to make a longitudinal growth ...
Yzh's user avatar
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GLMM model formulation with a partial "subcondition"

I am modeling reaction times in a GLMM using the lme4 package. My data have the following structure: Subject ID Reaction times (RT) Distractor type (Type): (3 levels): moving - static - no distractor ...
KrisBae's user avatar
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How to calculate CI for Median Odds Ratio?

According to Austin et al (2016) the median odds ratio (MOR) is defined by $\exp(\sqrt{2\sigma^2} \times \Phi^{-1}(0.75))$ , where $\Phi^{-1}$ denotes the inverse of the standard normal cumulative ...
user1205901 - Слава Україні's user avatar
3 votes
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What are marginal and conditional errors in a GLMM?

I'm modifying my ecology paper according to what the reviewers suggested but I have an issue with one statistical-related question. I ran a GLMM in lme4 on R to model the presence/absence of a certain ...
Ginevra B's user avatar
1 vote
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glmertree to fit logistic regression with two-column y

With both glm and glmer, if I wanted to fit a proportion, I could do it as either: ...
Ramon Diaz-Uriarte's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there a model that can handled unbalanced repeated measures data with 1 OR 2 follow ups?

I want to identify predictors of a binary healthcare outcome in a purely observational study, and some of my participants have 1 recorded outcome timepoint, while others have 2 recorded outcome ...
L.S.'s user avatar
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Leave random effects out when correlated with fixed effects?

Is it appropriate (or not) to leave a random intercept out of a model if the random intercept acts as a proxy for multiple fixed effects that are being included in the model? I have been given data on ...
Pat Taggart's user avatar
3 votes
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GLMERTREE with reponse in [0, 1] and multilevel design

I have multilevel data (with nested random effects: (1 | cluster-of-cluster/cluster) in lme4 syntax) where the response is a continuous variable between $[0, 1]$ (i....
Ramon Diaz-Uriarte's user avatar
2 votes
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Binomial GLMM (GLMER) with proportions in unbalanced, observational panel data: nesting issues and errors

Thanks in advance. I am new to mixed models and having several doubts about a mixed model (lme4's glmer, binomial) with multiple levels, measuring a proportion [0,1] in three time periods. My data ...
dcoy's user avatar
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Hierachical Random Mixed effect sizes

When using a mixed effect model the rule of thumb seems to be that you need at least 5 levels to use a random factor . Is this still True when you have a hieachical model. i.e A - 4 level factor B - ...
sam's user avatar
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GLMM optimiser test - optimx.L-BFGS-B doesn't converge, but the rest do

I am running GLMM using lme4 in R for the first time. I have a complex model (with three main effects and four interactions), as well as a random intercept of ...
Amy's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to do classification in mixed effect models in python. My data is nested into groups with binary outcome

Lets say I have 10 sellers (S1-S10). Each seller has 7 buyers which are different for each seller (B1-B7 for S1, B11-B17 for S2 and so on). Each Seller buyer combination has a product category (P1, P2....
Pratik's user avatar
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Accounting for person-time exposed in a binomial GLMM

I have a large data set where we have 5 calendar years data for each person, and we have information about the number of outcomes (taking values 0,1,or 2) each year. We have to account for the ...
Abhijit's user avatar
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Basic multilevel modeling help in r with glmer

I am looking at school data, and wondering if school level disproportionate discipline affects the academic outcomes of students. The data I have are by student, with demographic information, an ...
dankernler's user avatar
3 votes
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Multilevel models vs GLMMs for correlated clustered data

What is the difference between the Generalized Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) and a multilevel model?
user89797's user avatar
9 votes
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When and why do I have to use "trait" for multinomial multilevel models with MCMCglmm in R?

I want to estimate a multilevel multinomial logit model but I am struggling with the terminology and notation used by the R-package MCMCglmm. There is documentation ...
non-numeric_argument's user avatar
2 votes
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When fitting a GLMM, is the predicted value for any success or all successes or what?

I am relatively new to multilevel modeling and have just been given an assignment that uses a generalized linear mixed effects model. The outcome is smoking status (1=yes, 0=no) measured at three ...
marty's user avatar
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Assumptions of Linear Mixed Model

I had data with repeated measurement and nested design. Conventional ANOVA requires strict control on homogeneity of variance and repeated measurement ANOVA requires assumption of sphericity. Multi-...
Kam's user avatar
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4 votes
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Specifying a multilevel model in MCMCglmm (R), that is heteroskedastic at level one

I am considering MCMCglmm as an alternative to MLwiN. The former package works perfectly fine, but I cannot figure out how to model heteroskedasticity at level one. For instance, if I have the ...
Maxim.K's user avatar
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Level-2 predictions with lme4/glmer model

Let's say I've fitted a 2 level model with glmer like this: ...
user2840286's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How to do binary logistic regression on people (couples) clustered within homes?

I am looking at the relationship between housing characteristics and a health outcome. To make the example simple, I have data for a continuous predictor (exposure) collected from 1000 homes and ...
N26's user avatar
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Temporal analysis of variation in random effects

I am looking at patient data where the main outcome of interest is mortality within 30 days following hospitalisation with an emergency condition. I am working on data from 2003-2017, with ...
LeelaSella's user avatar
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