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Multi-level repeated-measures logistic regression in python/R

Accidentally posted this in stackoverflow, so reposting here. I have a repeated-measures design experiment. Each subject took part in some experimental conditions, each one associated with several ...
fffrost's user avatar
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Multi-level modeling with repeated measures condition using R

I'm trying to do stat. analysis for data with repeated measures The data is consists of: +--------------+---------+--------+----------+--------+ | Participants | Device | State | Activity | Values ...
Woo-hyeok Choi's user avatar
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Questions about mixed model design with repeated measures/nesting/incomplete design

I have data from a incomplete factorial experiment with repeated measures and potential nesting and am trying to figure out 1) the right way to design the mixed model to analyze the data, and 2) how ...
DirtStats's user avatar
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simulate multi-level data for repeated measurements

I am trying to simulate multi-level data for repeated measurements. My design includes just one within subjects factor, no between-subject factor. Consider the case of three treatment conditions with ...
beginneR's user avatar
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Multilevel modeling of experimental data with repeated measures in the same condition of factorial experiment

I'm struggling with modeling some experimental data using the lme4 package in R, and would appreciate input. My experimental design is as follows: subjects ...
roody's user avatar
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Error in lmerTest: The random-effects parameters and the residual variance (or scale parameter) are probably unidentifiable

I know that there have been similar questions before, but I dont still get it. I would like to estimate a multilevel model with repeated measures in R using the package “lmerTest”. The model ...
Ineluki's user avatar
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Can I run multilevel mediation analyses with only two measurement occasions?

I have recently conducted a project which aims to examine whether Treatment (X) affected Anger (Y) via Heart Rate (M). Treatment was a between-subjects predictor with two levels, treatment 1 vs. ...
Gloria Ma's user avatar
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Multi-level Latent Class Growth Curve Model of a double-repeated measures data structure

I have an interesting data structure I'm trying to analyze. I've decided that the best route is most likely using some type of LCGA, but am having trouble conceptualizing the model. Unfortunately, I'm ...
r_user's user avatar
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Coefficients for all levels of a categorical factor unchanged in lmer after adding variables

I was sent over here from stack overflow here: (sorry for posting there ...
JFJ's user avatar
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Modeling nestedness in terms of repeated measures AND site in lme4 in R?

I have $30$ students from $4$ schools (named: W, X, Y, Z). Two of the schools (X and Y) have received a Treatment (...
rnorouzian's user avatar
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How to encode Times within Days in Multi-level Mixed Model in R?

I have the following experiment: I tested 16 subjects on 4 different days with a (repeated) measurement every 20 minutes for a total of approximately 15 measurements/day. I have about 4 time varying-...
Vincent Nadon's user avatar
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How can I evaluate with R the interaction between a within-subject effect and a continuous variable at the subject level?

Scenario: 62 subjects did a selection task composed of 128 items, that can be divided into four conditions, because each item has a cue and a target (also other options but thats not of interest in ...
Walter Mandelbroth's user avatar
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Model Y~X using longitudinal data when X is measured less often than Y

I have the following data/setting: N persons assessed over time: different number of assessments; assessments at different time points Variable Y: measured ~50 times (3 times per day) Variable X: ...
MDSF's user avatar
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Linear model for nested within subject design

I want to find a suitable linear model for my analysis. I have a nested experiment design. There are 2 conditions, 40 subjects, and 20 measurements within a subject. The condition is a within subject ...
Haliaetus's user avatar
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