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Questions tagged [nonlinear-multilevel-analysis]

Statistical analysis of datasets comprising several levels of hierarchy (e.g., students nested in classes nested in schools or hierarchical forecasting) where the dependent variable is not continuous. For questions about mixed models use [mixed-model] tag. For nested random effects, use [nested-data]. For the more general case see [multilevel-analysis].

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Fitting nonlinear Bayesian regression with a summation term in brms

I'm trying to fit parameters for a Holling type II curve for multiple prey items. This takes the form: $$ \frac{dP_i}{dt} = \frac{a_iP_i}{1 +\sum_j{a_jh_jP_j}} $$ where $P_i$ is density of prey ...
Jacob Weverka's user avatar
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Is it possible to reuse predictor fixed parameters in a nonlinear mixed effects model fit across mulitple nonlinear response parameters using nlme?

I have data where I want to fit a model given that I know the value at time zero of one stage is equal to the asymptotic value of the previous stage. In particular, I have kinetic growth curves ...
wdkrnls's user avatar
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Extracting (true) marginal effects from nonlinear mixed effects models [closed]

I am modelling a binary data set using what I believe should be termed a nonlinear mixed effects model logit(pi) = mu + beta*x + U_1 + U_2 + U_3 where ...
fair21comic's user avatar
2 votes
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Comparing statistical measurements of several countries

In a study, an outcome variable has three categories. There are several factors in the study. We are determining how these factors influence the outcome variable.We have fitted multiple logistic ...
user232597's user avatar
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Calculating standardised regression coefficients from GLMER model

I have three separate glmer models investigating the individual and household-level risk factors of malaria infection in three different spatial locations: 1) outside the forest, 2) at the forest ...
Trypanosoma's user avatar
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Multilevel model: Contradictory results between multilevel model with interactions and segmented model

I am working on a research paper exploring the differential effect (or interaction) of financialization on the housing conditions of the population according to tenure status. For this purpose, I ...
Jules's user avatar
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